At least 21 people were killed and 15 injured after a bus fell into a lake in the city of Anshun, Guizhou province, on Tuesday, local authorities said.
a bus fell into a lake是公交车坠入湖中。
车上有4名学生。其中1人已无生命体征,另外3名学生仍在接受治疗(receive medical treatment)。
据报道,7月7日12时30分许,这辆满载乘客(full of people)的公交车撞坏道路护栏(broke through a guardrail),冲进安顺市虹山水库。
当地警方正在进行调查(conduct an investigation)。事故原因(the cause of the accident)尚未查明。
贵州应急管理部迅速反应,派出特别工作组(special work team)赶赴现场指导救援。
应急管理部副部长(vice-minister)黄明要求全力以赴救援抢救伤员(rescue the people),迅速核实人数,查明事故原因(the number of casualties and the cause of the accident should be confirmed as soon as possible),依法追究责任,举一反三排查隐患(potential risks),压实责任,堵塞漏洞(loopholes),特别对高考安全,要再检查再落实,确保各项措施落实到位。
公安部也派出工作组赶赴现场,指导调查处置工作(help investigate the incident)。
7月7日15时左右,该公交车被打捞出水(salvaged from the reservoir)。
当地消防救援队伍调集19辆消防车(fire trucks)、21艘橡皮艇(rubber boats)、97人(含17名潜水员)迅速到场开展搜救(dispatched to the site to look for survivors)。