A woman from Guanxian county, Shandong province, who managed to get into a university 16 years ago by stealing the identity of another person from a village in the same county was suspended from her job on Thursday, the county's WeChat account said on Thursday.
steal the identity是窃取身份。
山东省冠县人民政府表示,县委、县政府第一时间责成县纪委监委(commission for discipline inspection and supervision)、县公安局、县教育和体育局成立联合调查组(investigative team)对这起身份盗用案(identity theft)开展调查。
顶替者(imposter)陈某某,系冠县某街道办事处(community office)工作人员,目前已被停职。
通报指出,事件涉及详细信息正在进一步调查中(under investigation)。县委、县政府将依据调查结果依法依纪依规严肃处理(deal with the event seriously),最终结果会及时向社会公布(publish results of its investigation to the public in a timely manner)。
据报道,高考“落榜”(failed the university entrance examination)16年后,冠县人陈秋媛(化名)打算报考成人教育学校(adult education school),来填补心中的遗憾。然而,在信息填报时她才发现,“陈秋媛”已经在山东理工大学“就读”过,并顺利毕业(graduated),只是学信网上的“陈秋媛”,照片栏上是另外一个陌生女孩的头像。