1.investigate 调查 The FBI has been called in to investigate. 联邦调查局奉命进行调查!8,LQhwOqJ。 2.preponderance 多数 America's violent Wild West, she points out, had a huge preponderance of men. 她指出,美国西部旷野,男人占了绝大多数,充满暴力p|ulWEG+UcY!^Q。 3.overwhelming压倒性的 The overwhelming majority of those present were in favour of the plan. 绝大多数与会者都赞同这个计划M0%zfMHeddvK@V。 4.fling 抛;掷 Someone had flung a brick through the window. 有人把一块砖扔进了窗户i27Mm#8#X@=。 mShEUn8;7e