1.dollar reserve 美元储备 It can raise interest rates, but that would make the dollar reserve problem even more acute. 中国央行也可以加息,但这会使美元外汇储备问题更为尖锐7PE^af=g5q。 2.sack 解雇 Earlier today the Prime Minister sacked 18 government officials for corruption 今天早些时候,首相解除了18名涉嫌贪污腐败的政府官员的职务tZ-0a&%mYk0。 3.plagiarism 剽窃 Now he's in real trouble. He's accused of plagiarism. 现在他是真遇到麻烦了1kz]]z5=GT。他被指控剽窃s%Pn1UO05t5dE[。 4.in store 将要发生 She'd need all her strength and bravery to cope with what lay in store 她需要所有的力量与勇气去应付将会出现的问题~Oj[Ukaab3Jf,7(yyS5W。 K,W~|#Pvhnz