I'll bet Mark Zuckerberg has never used the word impossible in an email. The recipient will lose confidence in you quickly. State why something might be hard or difficult or just don't agree to a course of action. Don't bother telling people it's impossible.
That's impossible; it has never been done.
It's impossible for me to work with [fill in person, task, or department].
Impossible combines the defeatism of won't and the status quo of usually to firmly lock the door to new successes. The danger is in the passion you use when you say the word, often with a raised voice and a strong hand gesture. The stronger the feeling that is attached to a word, the surer and sooner it will manifest. As you continue to use impossible in your thoughts and words, you will notice less positive things happening in your life. From not confident, you could drop to outright fearful. Throw out impossible from your vocabulary. Shift to “not possible” and then to “could be possible” and finally to “Yes, it can be done!”
当你奋不顾身地提高了嗓门大喊一声“Impossible”时,一扇通往成功的大门砰地一声关上了。Impossible这个词集悲观与守旧两种负能量于一身,时时刻刻帮你绕开各种可能。想改变自己的小伙伴们,不如让你的话里多些possible,从“not possible”开始,到“could be possible(或许行)”,再到“Yes, it can be done!(是的,这可以做到!)” 你将会有不同的感受。
It's impossible for sb to do sth.
It's impossible for him to thrust his own opinions upon us.
It's impossible for him to solve the problem all by himself.
I can't get on the ground any further, it's impossible for me.
我没有一点前途, 我没救了.
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