1. participate in 参与;参加;
例句:They expected him to participate in the ceremony.
他们希望他参加典礼 。
2. hurry up 赶紧;赶快;
例句:Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath; otherwise, they'd miss their train.
富兰克林告诉豪赶快去洗澡;否则他们会赶不上火车 。
3. get out of 逃离;被迫离开;
例句:They told him to get out of there and pronto.
他们通知他离开那里而且要马上离开 。
4. tie up 把…绑起来;捆绑;
例句:Masked robbers broke in, tied him up, and made off with $8,000.
几个蒙面大盗破门而入,把他捆起来,抢走了8,000美元 。
n. 小牛,幼崽,愚蠢的年轻人,小牛皮,小腿肚