To the dismay of the reformers,these core Catholic beliefs turned out to be Henry's, too.
改革者们沮丧地发现 亨利本人也是 这些天主教核心教义的笃信者
So Henry's final position on matters of religion was this:
A national Church divorced from Rome,but remarried to the English crown,
英国国教脱离罗马教廷 听命于英国国王
stripped of cults and shows,but still in essence Catholic.
去掉了一些祭仪 但本质上仍信奉天主教
All things considered,Henry was pretty satisfied with the middle way he thought he'd found.
纵观大局 亨利十分满意 自认为找到了两全的办法
Which is what we see in this massive picture from the studio of Hans Holbein.
正如这幅汉斯·荷尔拜因画室的 巨幅油画所描述的一样
King Henry, all-powerful, all-knowing,the guardian and ruler of the temporal and the spiritual realm.
全知全能的亨利 世俗与教会的 统御和维护者
The munchkins grovelling at his feet are the Guild of Barber-Surgeons.
They hail the king as the healer and a great physician,
which is just how Henry liked to see himself in his final years
the Tudor medicine man who had laid the body of England on the operating table
都德王朝的治愈者 将整个英格兰置于手术台上
and cut out the cancers of popery and superstition.
The patient was now fully recovered,the nation duly grateful,The operation a complete success.
英国现已痊愈 国家一切安好 手术完美成功
Except, of course, it wasn't,because after Henry would come Henry's children,
但事实并非如此 亨利会将王权传给他的子嗣
each with their own idea of what was best for the country's health
而他们各自 对国家未来的方向持不同见解
Edward, the heir apparent,and his half-sisters, Mary and Elizabeth,both of whom were restored to the succession a few weeks before their father's death.
王储爱德华 和其同父异母的姐姐们 玛丽和伊丽莎白 都在亨利死前数周 获得王位继承权