By the time that Anne came on the scene,Henry was convinced that his marriage to Catherine had been divinely cursed.
直到安妮进入了他的视线 亨利坚信他与凯瑟琳的婚姻被神所诅咒
The king was an assiduous reader of Scripture,
and there must have been a sharp intake of breath every time he read Leviticus chapter 20, verse 21,
而每当他读到《利未记》第20章21节时 必会倒吸一口凉气
in which God himself tells Moses,If a man shall take his brother's wife,it is an unclean thing...they shall be childless.
上帝面授摩西 弟娶兄妻 为污秽的事 二人必无子嗣
Driven by his fear of dynastic extinction and his passion for Anne,who, as usual, refused to become his mistress,
因恐惧王朝香火断绝 又渴望得到不甘为情妇的安妮
Henry seized on divorce as the answer to all of his problems.
Henry wanted a papal annulment of the marriage on grounds of incest.
亨利想让罗马教皇以乱伦为 宣布婚姻无效
But the Pope couldn't oblige,for in May 1527 the armies of the Emperor Charles V sacked Rome,and made Pope Clement a virtual prisoner.
但教皇却不帮忙 因在1527年5月 查理五世的军队攻陷罗马 使教皇克莱门特沦为阶下囚
And Charles, who was Queen Catherine's nephew,wouldn't allow an annulment while he was in control.
而查理 正是皇后凯瑟琳的侄子 在查理掌权时 绝不会废止这桩婚姻
Wolsey was the first to be dragged under by this crisis.
Henry had no use for a Mr Fixit who couldn't fix it,and Wolsey was quickly got rid of,ostensibly for fraud and corruption.
亨利不需要一个无能的"万能管家" 沃尔西很快因欺诈和腐败的欲加之罪 被踢出了政坛
Within a year, he was dead, charges of high treason still hanging over his head.
不到一年 他便背负着叛逆的骂名撒手人寰
It was Anne herself who, at some point in 1530,steered the whole problem in a radically new direction.
在1530年 安妮自己 将问题引入了一个极端的新方向
She put literally into Henry's hands a little book that to her seemed not only fundamentally true,
她给了亨利一本小册子 册子的内容 在她看来不仅是真理
but also, given present circumstances, extremely useful.
It was by that arch-propagandist william Tyndale, and it was called
其作者为宗教改革的主要鼓吹者 威廉·廷代尔
"The Obedience of a Christian Man and How Christian Rulers Ought to Govern."