William's response was to mount a campaign of oppression in the north
威廉对此的回应是 在英格兰北部发动了一场武力镇压运动
which was not just punitive but an exercise in mass murder
不仅镇压 还发动了一场大屠杀
thousands of men and boys gruesomely butchered,their bodies left to rot and fester in the highways.
数以千计的成年男子与男童被被残忍地屠杀 他们的尸体被丢弃在大路上 任其腐烂
Every town and village burnt without pity.
Fields and livestock destroyed so completely that any survivors were doomed to die in a great famine.
庄稼被焚烧殆尽 牲畜也一只不剩 即便有人幸存 也注定死于大饥荒
Hard on the heels of massacre and starvation came plague.
All across England, William built at least 90 castles,dominating areas of potential revolt,
在英格兰全境 威廉建造了至少九十座城堡 用来镇压这些地区潜在的反抗
engines of terror that helped William control over two million Saxons with just 25,000 Normans.
恐怖镇压使得威廉仅以两万五千名诺曼人 统治了两百多万撒克逊人
Most of the voices that have come down to us describing the events after 1066 are written from the victor's perspective,
流传到我们手中的那些记载着 1066年之后重大事件的史料 都是胜利者书写下的
unapologetic and crowing,sketching the starkest possible contrast
毫无悔意 洋洋自得 毫无掩饰地对比了
between the Machiavellian perjurer Harold and the noble, betrayed William.
不择手段 背信弃义的哈罗德 与高尚却遭背叛的威廉
But among this rather nauseating chorus of congratulation there's at least one that dares break rank,
在这些对胜利者肉麻的颂歌中 至少还有那么一个声音敢于打破这和谐
that in fact sees the conquest as it surely was a brutal, ruthless and completely successful act of aggression and cruelty.
它实际上真实地描述了这次征服 一次野蛮残忍却无比成功的侵略活动