Getting his army in position to surprise the Norsemen was an epic feat by any standards.
用自己整装待发的部队给诺曼人一个措手不及 从任何角度来说都算的上是神来之笔
Harold had travelled from London, picking up his army on the way,
哈罗德从伦敦出发 一路集结他的军队
covering 187 miles in four days 37 to 45 miles a day.
四天行军一百八十七英里 平均每天三十七到四十五英里
Imagine then, thousands of men going as fast as their horses,or, in many cases, as fast as their legs could carry them.
想象一下 上千名步兵如同骑兵般疾速前行 很多情况下 他们都是以逼近极限的速度前进
Up the Great North Road to Peterborough,Lincoln, Tadcaster.
沿着大北方路 途径彼德堡
The ultimate high-impact hike with the heaviest backpacks imaginable.
At the end of it,Harold fought one of the bloodiest battles in English history.
抵达终点之后 哈罗德带着他的军队 展开了英格兰史上最血腥的战役之一
It was the English who broke the Viking line,
and the remaining Norse warriors cowered around their chiefs.
We must imagine the great Hardrada swinging his axe beneath the Landvaster flag,
我们只能想象挪威国王 在战旗下挥舞着他的斧子
before finally sinking down with an arrow in the throat;
Tostig picking up the Raven flag and,in his turn, being cut down.
紧接着 举着乌鸦旗的 托斯提戈也被砍死
The carnage was so complete that it took just 24 of the 300 ships
挪威人损失极为惨重 来到英国的三百艘船
that had sailed to England to return the pitiful remnant of the Norse army back to Norway.
最后仅仅有二十四艘船载着残兵 返回了挪威