Packed so tightly into the boats they supported each other,
马匹被紧紧系在船上 互相靠着
were perhaps 6,000 horses, three for each knight.
总共可能有六千匹 每名骑士三匹
Across the Channel, Harold responded by proving that he too was a phenomenal military organiser.
在海峡那边 哈罗德毫不示弱 他也极力表现着自己出众的军事指挥才能
As the crack troops of his army,Harold could call on the elite of perhaps 3,000 "Huscarls", professional soldiers
哈罗德召集三千"战斧骑兵" 作为军队的精英力量 这些训练有素的士兵
trained to handle a two-handed axe,that if swung right,could slice through a horse and its rider at one blow.
擅用双手斧 只要使用得当 就能一举劈开战马和骑马者
The core of the army was 5,000 Thanes or noblemen of England.
In addition there were the 13,000 part-time soldiers,known as the "Fyrd",
再加上一万三千名被称为"民兵"的 兼职士兵
mobilised by their lords, obliged to give the king two months service each year.
他们由各自的领主召集 每年为国王服役两个月
With amazing speed, this army was stationed along the south coast.
By August 10th,William had his army in place along the Normandy coast.
直到8月10日 威廉的军队已在诺曼底海岸驻扎
Two great fighting forces bent on each other's annihilation
faced each other across a little strip of water to determine the destiny of England.
一心想将对方歼灭 让英格兰的归属尘埃落定
And there they sat,William waiting for a southerly wind that never came,
威廉一方万事俱备 只欠南风 但这风最终也没有到来
and Harold waiting for William, who never came.
而哈罗德静候着的威廉 最终也未出现