But with Canute's death in 1035 began a chain of events that would culminate in the one invasion
1035年 卡纽特的死引发了一系列事件 并最终以一次入侵而告终
that Anglo-Saxon England would be unable to swallow.And what a saga it was.
盎格鲁撒克逊英格兰是无法被吞并的 多么气势磅礴的英雄史诗啊
It started with a bloody and unsparing fight for Canute's throne amongst the surviving elite.
一切始于精英阶级为争夺王位而展开的一场 血腥而残酷的战争
Treachery, murder and mutilation were par for the course.
背叛 谋杀和残害成为了常态
The last man standing with any kind of claim to the throne was a descendant of Alfred the Great,a prince of the Saxon royal house.
而伫立到最后 夺得王位的 是阿尔弗雷德大帝的后裔 一位撒克逊王室家族的王子
He was called Edward.He would become forever known as The Confessor.
他名叫爱德华 后以"忏悔者"而闻名于后世
He was crowned on Easter Day, 1043.
But he inherited more than just the crown.
He also got Earl Godwine, in no mood to lose power just because there was a new king.
还有不想因新王上位 而失去弃权力的戈德温伯爵
But unlike Canute, Edward had good reason to hate the right-hand man forced on him,
但和卡纽特不一样 爱德华有充分的理由 憎恨这位得力却无法摆脱之人
for Godwine had arranged his older brother's murder.
But there was nothing he could do about his bloodstained rival,not yet anyway.
但他却不能惩治这位双手沾满血腥的政敌 至少现在不能
King Edward knew that Godwine held the keys to the kingdom.
When Godwine offered Edward his daughter in marriage,what could he do but take her?
当戈德温提出把女儿嫁给爱德华时 除了答应以外 他还能怎么办呢
Godwine was not Edward's only problem.
He also got to learn how to govern a country he knew little about,
for he'd grown up in exile in a very different world across the English Channel in Normandy.
因为他成长于流放地 一个截然不同的世界 英吉利海峡对岸的诺曼底