Lessons had been learned the hard way, at least for some.
至少对某些人而言 这是一个血的教训
So when barbarians started attacking Roman forts in the north,the Romans knew exactly what to do.
当蛮夷开始袭击罗马北部要塞时 罗马人早已深谙御敌之术
In 79 AD, an enormous pitched battle took place on the slopes of an unidentified highland mountain,
公元79前 一不知名的高山丘陵上 一场大规模激战在此上演
which Tacitus calls Mons Graupius.
The result was another slaughter,but not before the Caledonian general, Calgacus,
结局是又一场屠杀 但已是古苏格兰王库斯
delivered the first great anti-imperialist speech on Scotland's soil.
Here at the world's end,on its last inch of liberty,
在这世界之端 最后的自由地
we have lived unmolested to this day defended by our remoteness and obscurity.
我们得以偏安一隅至今 只因此地偏远神秘
But there are no other tribes to come, nothing but sea and cliffs
and these more deadly Romans whose arrogance you cannot escape by obedience and self-restraint, to plunder, butcher, steal.
但我们的顺从自律却逃不过 傲慢自大的罗马人 穷凶极恶地劫掠与偷窃
These things they misname empire,they make a desolation and they call it peace.
他们谬称其为帝国 还将劫掠后的荒芜 称为和平
Of course, Calgacus never said any such thing.
当然 库斯从未有过如此言论
This was a speech written long after the event by Tacitus and it's entirely Roman, not Scottish.
而是事件发生多年之后的塔西佗所撰写 并且通篇古罗马语 而非苏格兰语
Yet this burning sentiment would echo down the generations.
但这燃烧着的激情 却不失为那个时代的缩影
Like Britannia itself, the idea of free Caledonia was from the first, a Roman invention.
如不列颠尼亚与解放苏格兰的概念 都为罗马首创