The ways successful people defeat procrastination.
They break up large tasks into smaller tasks.
The classic but seldom-followed productivity adviceto conquering large or overwhelming tasks is to break them up into smallerchunks. Successful people understand that tasks need to be broken down intomuch more specific and measurable sub-tasks.
For example, an overwhelming to-do list item mightbe "write book." Does that item in my to-do list mean I need to write theentire book today, or does only writing one sentence count towards thecompletion of the task?
A better approach would be to set a goal of writinga specific number or words each day, or spend a certain amount of timeresearching.
"Write 1000 words"or "spend 30 minutes researchingexamples of productive CEOs for book" are much more specific tasks, andtherefore easier to tackle. This often encourages me to get more done and feelaccomplished and motivated by scratching to-do items off of my list.
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