CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Hi. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS.Welcome to Wednesday`s show.
As always, we`re jumping right into our first story today, headed to the Middle Eastern country of Syria. The nation has been turned apart by civil war since 2011.One group that`s benefitted from the instability there is ISIS. It`s a terrorist organization. ISIS is standing for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
That`s what they want, to create a country based on their own severe interpretation of Islam. They took over last parts of the region last year. They`re notorious for mass murders, brutally killing civilians, kidnapping people. And though a U.S.-led coalition aims to destroy ISIS, most experts say the coalition has a long way to go.
This spring, the terrorists took over an ancient city called Palmyra. It`s in Central Syria. It`s thousands of years old. Its architectural ruins date back to the First Century A.D., and ISIS is destroying them.
On Tuesday, ISIS supporters posted photos of how the group blew up part of an ancient temple. It`s part of ISIS campaign to destroy relics of non-Muslim culture, though they`ve reportedly leveled Islamic shrines as well.
FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Fighting ISIS is a slow and often quite a tricky thing to do and one of the reasons why the militant group has been so successful is that those combating it are often fractured and at odds with one another.
First of all, its core territory spans two countries. So, you have two governments. The Iraqi government and the Syrian government each with their own allies and enemies trying to deal with the problem.Then you have different interest among the groups leading the charge. On the one hand, you have the U.S. and its main European and Arab allies bombing ISIS both in Iraq and Syria.
Now, they got a major boost when Turkey joined the coalition. That`s not just because Turkish warplanes started bombing ISIS`s positions, but also because Turkey allowed the coalition to use the bases inside Turkey like the one in Incirlik.
Then you have the Syrians. Their air force has been notorious for allegedly causing a lot of civilian casualties while bombing opposition controlled areas. But the Syrian military has also conducted many air strikes against ISIS in places like Raqqa, but also in Palmyra, which was captured by the militant group.
The Syrian government`s main ally on the ground is Iran, which has been training pro-regime militias to fight ISIS and other groups.Iran has also been helping the Iraqi government organizing Shia militias there. Then you have both the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds who`ve made major gains against ISIS.
But many of these groups and countries simply have no trust in each other and that`s one of the reasons why it`s so difficult to start a concerted effort to beat back ISIS.