1.占座现象是大学校园内的普遍现象:可译为Occupying a seat is common in universities.其中“现象”不必生硬地译出。
2.凡是座位资源相对稀缺的地方:可译为Anywhere where seats are relatively rare或wherever seats are not adequately provided。
3.人们各持己见,褒贬不一:可译为People differ in their opinions about this phenomenon.Some agree while some disapprove of it.
4.学校的座位资源有限:可译为seats on campus are limited。
5.腾出精力去占座:可译为spare time to occupy a seat。spare time to do sth.意为“腾出时间或精力做某事”。
6.使忙碌的学习生活平添烦恼:可译为非限制性定语从句which makes busy studying life more disturbing,使前后句街接更紧凑。
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