1. be torn between 犹豫的;举棋不定的;
例句:Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics.
罗布在做医生还是当运动员之间痛苦抉择,左右为难 。
2. toe the line 听从;服从;
例句:I am sure he would toe the line.
我相信他会守规矩的 。
3. look after 照料;照顾;照管;
例句:It's down to you now to look after the family business.
现在得靠你照管家族生意了 。
4. sort out 解决(问题);理清(细节);
例句:He would sort out his own problems, in time.
他早晚会解决自己的问题 。
5. a cog in a wheel (大型机构或团体中的)一小分子;
例句:Mr.White is only a cog in a wheel at the multinational bank.
怀特先生只不过是这家跨国银行的小人物 。
6. get by 勉强过活;勉强应付;
例句:I can't get by on such a small income.
靠这么微薄的收入我无法过活 。
7. pass over (任命或晋升时)跳过,不考虑;
例句:She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion.
她声称在晋升时自己被一次又一次地排除在外 。
8. by and large 大致上;总体上;总的说来;
例句:This practice is not good by and large.
一般说来,这种做法并不太好 。
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