1. fall in love
eg. She'safraid she's going to be hurt and that she'll never fall in love again.
她害怕自己会受到伤害,从而永远不会再恋爱了 。
eg. Whenever I get into a relationship, I always fall madly in love.
我每次谈恋爱都深陷其中,无法自拔 。
2. put off
eg. Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute.
宾特先生习惯拖到最后时刻才作决定 。
eg. The appointment was put off because of his illness.
由于他生病而推迟了约会 。
3. be accessible to
eg. Short, crisp sentences in a language accessible to lay people.
那些简短的、干净利落的句子更容易让非专业人士接受 。
eg. This book is easily accessible to the young reader.
这本书是年轻读者容易懂的 。
vt. 为 ... 报复,报仇