World Environment Day established to raise awareness for Earth protecting
世界环境日 保护地球刻不容缓
June the 5th is World Environment Day. The day was established in 1972 to raise global awareness in the fight against pollution, and to protect Earth. The situation in China has however only marginally improved in the past two years.
Latest figures show, China emitted over 23 million tons of chemical oxygen demand, a measure of organic matter in waste water, and about 2.4 million tons of ammonia nitrogen into its water bodies last year. Both of the levels are about three percent lower than the previous year. The country also cut emissions of sulphur dioxide and ozone during 2013.
Minor improvements aside, the country’s water quality is not looking positive. Over half of the major rivers have experienced slight or medium level pollution. Air quality is looking even more grim. Only four percent of the cities monitored met the standards, after new air quality standards were introduced.