1.gather in 聚拢
Women gather in a mosque in jakarta, indonesia
印度尼西亚雅加达,妇女们聚集在清真寺 。
They hang around team hotels, gather in restaurants, debate in bars.
他们游离在球队下榻的酒店、聚集在餐馆、在酒吧大肆争论 。
2.aim to 计划,打算
They all aim to help you become a financial success.
它们的唯一目标就是帮助你取得财务上的更大成功 。
People think viruses aim to destroy their computers.
人们以为病毒的目的就是破坏他们的电脑 。
3.retrieve from 检索
They try to posses it, they demand, they expect...and just like the water spillin out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
他们试图占有它,他们要求,他们期待,那样就像溢出你的手掌的水一样,爱会从你身边撤退 。
Assign instantiated objects to the session object on the server, and then retrieve from session in a new page.
将实例化的对象分配给服务器上的session对象,然后从新页中的session检索 。
4.publish in 发表于
Click save as web page on the file menu, and then click publish in the save as dialog box.
单击“文件”菜单上的“另存为网页”,然后单击“另存为”对话框中的“发布” 。
The second main kind of blogs are, in effect, niche magazines that choose to publish in a blog format.
另一类博客,实际上是以博客形式发布的非主流杂志 。