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听力万花筒 第305期:英国哈里王子与女友公开场合秀亲密 疑好事将近

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Prince Harry Starts Making Public Appearances With Girlfriend
Until recently, this royal couple maintained a very low profile.

-Britain's royal baby brother is taking this spotlight now. Prince Harry and his lady of the moment are appearing at one of Harry's official events for the very first time.-It's been a long moment now, but two years for this relationship. It's got royal watchers wondering could thing's beginning serious. ABC's Lamer has more on this couple who have until now maintained a very low profile. Oh, please tell me there is another wedding we can cover, Lamer.
-Wait, not so fast. But let me tell you, this is a first Prince Harry and Cressida c* openly and publicly in this photograph evidence after all. and just to give you an idea of what a big deal this is, I'd like to draw your attention to the frontpage of the British tabloid newspaper the SUN. It sounds all happened and says, Harry and Kissie!
For the first time ever, Harry the hot* and the socialized girlfriend Cressida Bonas show us some PDA action. Snuggling up close to one another and have publicly affection.
-He knew he was going to be photographied that day, and he quite openly gave Cressida a big hug and a big kiss in front of absolutely everyone, in front of enormous amounts of photographers, and he was really happy, it seems, for people to see that they are together and that they are an item.
So what does this mean? Are things really heating up for the lovebirds?
-As if they're going to give an announcement. And of course, I think this is definitely a kind of new face, new level, if you like, of the relationship and a relationship as the public would see it now. However, I think we still need to be a little bit cautious.
-Royal Highness, Prince Harry.
This smut happened when the couple were the Global U* and Pal Day, where Harry also managed to showcase this humous side after receiving a rock-star's welcome by a rowdy crowd of school kids. That is...
-For those of you who're expecting Harry's styles, I apologize, I'm not gonna sing.
Prince's been stepping out for his charity work recently. Just a few days ago, he announced the Warrior Games will be coming to London. But that was sounds of girlfriend Cressida though. So maybe this will now be the new norm for this royal couple. Woo Lala.
-So the fact they've announced their relationship with the kiss for the whole world to see does have royal watchers believing that Cressida could actually be the one guessed yes. I think it is safe to say that the royal engagement watch is on. **, back to you.
-I'm gonna book my tickets right now.
-Thank you.
-Nobody is more excited than B*. I guarantee you.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

announced [ə'naunst]



norm [nɔ:m]


n. 标准,规范

warrior ['wɔ:riə]


n. 勇士,战士,武士

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

guarantee [.gærən'ti:]


n. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品

affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

woo [wu:]


v. 向 ... 求爱,追求,恳求

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明





