17 days in Sochi wrap up with spectacular show
索契冬奥会圆满闭幕 弥补开幕式遗憾
17 days of intense competition was rounded off with the closing ceremony of 2014 Sochi Olympics yesterday. And after, by far the most expensive Olympics in history, it'll surprise nobody to learn that the event was just as lavish as the rest of the games.
Little expense was spared as fireworks went off around the Olympic Park, lighting up the Sochi skyline. Inside the Fischt Olympic Stadium the crowd were treated to a celebration similar to the Opening Ceremony, with performers putting on a show of ballet, circus, and classical music. It was an evening of domestic delight as well, with the hosts finishing top of the medal table. And who says Russians don't have a sense of humour? The organisers showed some self-deprecation, with dancers mocking the moment one of the Olympic rings failed to spread out in the Opening Ceremony. A moment that was loudly cheered by spectators, before it did in the end open out to fully reveal the Olympic Logo.
Whatever your views on the controversies that surrounded the tournament, this will be a touch act to follow for the next Winter Games, which will be held in Pyeongchang in South Korea in 2018. Vladimir Putin as ever in the center of things, and no doubt relieved that the ceremony went off, pretty much without a hitch.