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Nevertheless, that surge of humanity did not alter his professional conduct. At Melquíades?room, which was locked up again with the padlock, Santa Sofía de la Piedad tried one last hope. “No one has lived in that room for a century,?she said. The officer had it opened and flashed the beam of the lantern over it, and Aureliano Segundo and Santa Sofía de la Piedad saw the Arab eyes of Jos?Arcadio Segundo at the moment when the ray of light passed over his face and they understood that it was the end of one anxiety and the beginning of another which would find relief only in resignation. But the officer continued examining the room with the lantern and showed no sign of interest until he discovered the seventy-two chamberpots piled up in the cupboards. Then he turned on the light. Jos?Arcadio Segundo was sitting on the edge of the cot, ready to go, more solemn and pensive than ever. In the background were the shelves with the shredded books, the rolls of parchment, and the clean and orderly worktable with the ink still fresh in the inkwells. There was the same pureness in the air, the same clarity, the same respite from dust and destruction that Aureliano Segundo had known in childhood and that only Colonel Aureliano Buendía could not perceive. But the officer was only interested in the chamberpots.

然而,人道的冲动并没有影响他的职业行动。在梅尔加德斯的房门前面,圣索菲娅。 德拉佩德使出了她的最后一招。“这儿几乎一百年不曾住人了,”她说。军官命令打开房门,拿灯火朝房间里扫了一遍,光线在霍。 阿卡蒂奥第二脸上掠过的片该间,奥雷连诺第二和圣索菲娅·德拉佩德都瞧见了他那阿拉伯人似的眼睛,明白这是一种担忧的终结,另一种担忧的开端,要解除这种担忧只有听天由命。然而军官拿灯照射房间,没有显露任何兴趣,直到发现了堆在橱里的七十二个便盆。接着,他极开电灯。霍。 阿卡蒂奥第二显出比以前更加庄重和沉思的神态,坐在床沿,准备站起来就走。在他身后可以看见放着破书和羊皮纸手稿的书架,还可看见整洁的工作台,墨水瓶里的墨水还是满满的,在这个房间里,空气还是那么清新和洁净,灰尘还是那么少,一切都没破坏,就象奥雷连诺第二从小记得的那样,这种情形当时只有奥雷连诺上校未能发现。然而,军官感到兴趣的只是便盆。
“How many people live in this house??he asked.“有多少人住在这座房子里?”他问。
The officer obviously did not understand. He paused with his glance on the space where Aureliano Segundo and Santa Soft de la Piedad were still seeing Jos?Arcadio Segundo and the latter also realized that the soldier was looking at him without seeing him. Then he turned out the light and closed the door. When he spoke to the soldiers, Aureliano, Segundo understood that the young officer had seen the room with the same eyes as Colonel Aureliano Buendía.军官显然大惑不解。他的视线停在奥雷连诺第二和圣索菲婉。德拉佩德继续看见霍。 阿卡蒂奥第二的空间;现在霍·阿卡蒂奥第二自已也发觉,军官望着他,却没看见他。然后,军官灭了灯,关上了门。当他和士兵们谈话的时候,奥雷连诺第二明白,这个年轻的军官是用奥雷连诺上校那样的眼光看待梅尔加德斯的房间的。
“It’s obvious that no one has been in that room for at least a hundred years.?the officer said to the soldiers. “There must even be snakes in there.?“显蜘这儿起码一百年无人居住了,‘军官向士兵们说。”里面大概有蛇。“
When the door closed, Jos?Arcadio Segundo was sure that the war was over. Years before Colonel Aureliano Buendía had spoken to him about the fascination of war and had tried to show it to him with countless examples drawn from his own experience. He had believed him. But the night when the soldiers looked at him without seeing him while he thought about the tension of the past few months, the misery of jail, the panic at the station, and the train loaded with dead people, Jos?Arcadio Segundo reached the conclusion that Colonel Aureliano Buendía was nothing but a faker or an imbecile. He could not understand why he had needed so many words to explain what he felt in war because one was enough: fear. In Melquíades?room, on the other hand, protected by the supernatural light, by the sound of the rain, by the feeling of being invisible, he found the repose that he had not had for one single instant during his previous life, and the only fear that remained was that they would bury him alive. He told Santa Sofía de la Piedad about it when she brought him his daily meals and she promised to struggle to stay alive even beyond her natural forces in order to make sure that they would bury him dead. Free from all fear, Jos?Arcadio Segundo dedicated himself then to peruse the manuscripts of Melquíades many times, and with so much more pleasure when he could not understand them. He became accustomed to the sound of the rain, which after two months had become another form of silence, and the only thing that disturbed his solitude was the coming and going of Santa Sofía de la Piedad. He asked her, therefore, to leave the meals on the windowsill and padlock the door. The rest of the family forgot about him including Fernanda, who did not mind leaving him there when she found that the soldiers had seen him without recognizing him. After six months of enclosure, since the soldiers had left Macondo Aureliano Segundo removed the padlock, looking for someone he could talk to until the rain stopped. As soon as he opened the doorhe felt the pestilential attack of the chamberpots, which were placed on the floor and all of which had been used several times. Jos?Arcadio Segundo, devoured by baldness, indifferent to the air that had been sharpened by the nauseating vapors, was still reading and rereading the unintelligible parchments. He was illuminated by a seraphic glow. He scarcely raised his eyes when he heard the door open, but that look was enough for his brother to see repeated in it the irreparable fate of his great-grandfather.房门关上以后,霍。阿卡蒂奥第二相信战争已经过去了。许多年前奥雷连诺上校曾经向他谈到战争的魅力,并且试图以自己生活中的充数事例证明自己的见解。霍·阿卡蒂奥第二相信了他。可是在军官对他视而不见的那天夜里,他想起了最近几个月的紧张状态,想起了监狱的肮脏,想起了车站上的混乱,想起了载满尸体的列车,最后认为奥雷连诺上校不过是个骗子或傻瓜。他不明白,为什么需要耗费那么多的话语来解释自己在战争中的感受,其实只要一个词儿就够了:恐怖。在梅尔加德斯的房间里,神奇的阳光和淅沥的雨声似乎都在保护他,他感到别人看不见他,他就获得了自己过去一生中一分钟也不曾有过的宁静,他唯一想到的是害怕别人把他活活埋掉。他向给他送饭来的圣索菲娅·德拉佩德说到了这一点,她就答应尽量活得长久一些,以便亲眼看见他死了以后才被埋掉。就这样,霍·阿卡蒂奥第二终于摆脱了一切恐惧,开始研究梅尔加德斯的羊皮纸手稿,他越不理解它们,就越有兴趣地继续研究。他已听惯了雨声,两个月以后,雨声也变成了另一种形式的宁静,只有圣索菲娅·德拉佩德的出现才扰乱了他的宁静。他要她把饮食放在窗台上,而用挂锁把门锁上。家中其余的人,其中包括菲兰达,都把霍·阿卡蒂奥第二给忘记了。自从知道军官在房间里碰见他,而没看见他,菲兰达就让他呆在这儿了。霍·阿卡蒂奥第二幽居了半年之后,军队离开了马孔多,奥雷连诺第二渴望找人聊天,等雨停止,就取下了房门上的挂锁。
“There were more than three thousand of them,?was all that Jos?Arcadio Segundo said. “I’m sure now that they were everybody who had been at the station.?他刚进屋,立刻闻到了便盆的臭气——这些便盆放在地上,全都用过几次了。霍·阿卡蒂奥第二已经秃顶,对令人作呕、毒化空气的恶臭满不在乎,继续反复阅读难以理解的羊皮纸手稿。他浑身都是天使般的光彩。听到开门的声音,他只是从桌上扬起眼来,接着又俯下了眼睛,但在这短暂的一瞬里,奥雷连诺第二已经足以看出兄弟也将遭到曾祖父避免不了的命运。

Nevertheless, that surge of humanity did not alter his professional conduct. At Melquíades?room, which was locked up again with the padlock, Santa Sofía de la Piedad tried one last hope. “No one has lived in that room for a century,?she said. The officer had it opened and flashed the beam of the lantern over it, and Aureliano Segundo and Santa Sofía de la Piedad saw the Arab eyes of Jos?Arcadio Segundo at the moment when the ray of light passed over his face and they understood that it was the end of one anxiety and the beginning of another which would find relief only in resignation. But the officer continued examining the room with the lantern and showed no sign of interest until he discovered the seventy-two chamberpots piled up in the cupboards. Then he turned on the light. Jos?Arcadio Segundo was sitting on the edge of the cot, ready to go, more solemn and pensive than ever. In the background were the shelves with the shredded books, the rolls of parchment, and the clean and orderly worktable with the ink still fresh in the inkwells. There was the same pureness in the air, the same clarity, the same respite from dust and destruction that Aureliano Segundo had known in childhood and that only Colonel Aureliano Buendía could not perceive. But the officer was only interested in the chamberpots.
“How many people live in this house??he asked.
The officer obviously did not understand. He paused with his glance on the space where Aureliano Segundo and Santa Soft de la Piedad were still seeing Jos?Arcadio Segundo and the latter also realized that the soldier was looking at him without seeing him. Then he turned out the light and closed the door. When he spoke to the soldiers, Aureliano, Segundo understood that the young officer had seen the room with the same eyes as Colonel Aureliano Buendía.
“It’s obvious that no one has been in that room for at least a hundred years.?the officer said to the soldiers. “There must even be snakes in there.?
When the door closed, Jos?Arcadio Segundo was sure that the war was over. Years before Colonel Aureliano Buendía had spoken to him about the fascination of war and had tried to show it to him with countless examples drawn from his own experience. He had believed him. But the night when the soldiers looked at him without seeing him while he thought about the tension of the past few months, the misery of jail, the panic at the station, and the train loaded with dead people, Jos?Arcadio Segundo reached the conclusion that Colonel Aureliano Buendía was nothing but a faker or an imbecile. He could not understand why he had needed so many words to explain what he felt in war because one was enough: fear. In Melquíades?room, on the other hand, protected by the supernatural light, by the sound of the rain, by the feeling of being invisible, he found the repose that he had not had for one single instant during his previous life, and the only fear that remained was that they would bury him alive. He told Santa Sofía de la Piedad about it when she brought him his daily meals and she promised to struggle to stay alive even beyond her natural forces in order to make sure that they would bury him dead. Free from all fear, Jos?Arcadio Segundo dedicated himself then to peruse the manuscripts of Melquíades many times, and with so much more pleasure when he could not understand them. He became accustomed to the sound of the rain, which after two months had become another form of silence, and the only thing that disturbed his solitude was the coming and going of Santa Sofía de la Piedad. He asked her, therefore, to leave the meals on the windowsill and padlock the door. The rest of the family forgot about him including Fernanda, who did not mind leaving him there when she found that the soldiers had seen him without recognizing him. After six months of enclosure, since the soldiers had left Macondo Aureliano Segundo removed the padlock, looking for someone he could talk to until the rain stopped. As soon as he opened the doorhe felt the pestilential attack of the chamberpots, which were placed on the floor and all of which had been used several times. Jos?Arcadio Segundo, devoured by baldness, indifferent to the air that had been sharpened by the nauseating vapors, was still reading and rereading the unintelligible parchments. He was illuminated by a seraphic glow. He scarcely raised his eyes when he heard the door open, but that look was enough for his brother to see repeated in it the irreparable fate of his great-grandfather.
“There were more than three thousand of them,?was all that Jos?Arcadio Segundo said. “I’m sure now that they were everybody who had been at the station.?

然而,人道的冲动并没有影响他的职业行动。在梅尔加德斯的房门前面,圣索菲娅。 德拉佩德使出了她的最后一招。“这儿几乎一百年不曾住人了,”她说。军官命令打开房门,拿灯火朝房间里扫了一遍,光线在霍。 阿卡蒂奥第二脸上掠过的片该间,奥雷连诺第二和圣索菲娅·德拉佩德都瞧见了他那阿拉伯人似的眼睛,明白这是一种担忧的终结,另一种担忧的开端,要解除这种担忧只有听天由命。然而军官拿灯照射房间,没有显露任何兴趣,直到发现了堆在橱里的七十二个便盆。接着,他极开电灯。霍。 阿卡蒂奥第二显出比以前更加庄重和沉思的神态,坐在床沿,准备站起来就走。在他身后可以看见放着破书和羊皮纸手稿的书架,还可看见整洁的工作台,墨水瓶里的墨水还是满满的,在这个房间里,空气还是那么清新和洁净,灰尘还是那么少,一切都没破坏,就象奥雷连诺第二从小记得的那样,这种情形当时只有奥雷连诺上校未能发现。然而,军官感到兴趣的只是便盆。
军官显然大惑不解。他的视线停在奥雷连诺第二和圣索菲婉。德拉佩德继续看见霍。 阿卡蒂奥第二的空间;现在霍·阿卡蒂奥第二自已也发觉,军官望着他,却没看见他。然后,军官灭了灯,关上了门。当他和士兵们谈话的时候,奥雷连诺第二明白,这个年轻的军官是用奥雷连诺上校那样的眼光看待梅尔加德斯的房间的。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
perceive [pə'si:v]


vt. 察觉,感觉,认知,理解

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]


n. 结论

dedicated ['dedi.keitid]


adj. 专注的,献身的,专用的

invisible [in'vizəbl]


adj. 看不见的,无形的
n. 隐形人(或物

nauseating ['nɔ:zieitiŋ]


adj. 令人恶心的;厌恶的 v. 使恶心(nausea

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

nevertheless [.nevəðə'les]


adv. 仍然,不过
conj. 然而,不过

surge [sə:dʒ]


n. 汹涌,澎湃
v. 汹涌,涌起,暴涨

tension ['tenʃən]


n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压





