Vatican denies knowledge of NSA eavesdropping
A German delegation of intelligence officials arrive in Washington for talks at the White House. The meeting follows claims the U.S. monitored Chancellor Angelea Merkel's mobile. But just hours before new reports surfaced about the National Security Agency hacking into more communications. The UN said it had received assurances from the U.S. but did not say whether the organisation had been spied on in the past.
由情报官员组成的德国代表团抵达华盛顿参加白宫的会谈 。这次会晤是由于有指控称美国监听了德国总理默克尔的手机 。但是就在几个小时之前,新的报告浮出水面,指控美国国家安全局入侵更多机构 。联合国表示,他们已经收到美国的保证,但是没有表明过去联合国是否曾被监控 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) MARTIN NESIRKY, SPOKESPERSON FOR THE UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL, SAYING: "I understand that the U.S. authorities have given assurances that United Nations communications are not and will not be monitored."
联合国秘书长发言人奈希尔吉(Martin Nesirky):“就我理解,美国当局曾经做出保证,联合国过去没有,将来也不会被监听 。”
The NSA denied that it had targetted the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church said it had no knowledge that the NSA had eavesdropped on phone calls. But still visitors to the Vatican were outraged at the possibility of a spiritual leader being bugged.
国家安全局否认曾经监听梵蒂冈 。罗马天主教堂表示,他们不知道MSA曾经窃听他们的手机 。但是梵蒂冈游客仍然对这位崇高的精神领袖可能被窃听感到愤怒 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) ITALIAN PILGRIM, EMANUELE COLELLA, SAYING: "It is fine to spy on Merkel, I would have no problems if they did it. But not Pope Francis. No. You don't touch Pope Francis.''
意大利朝圣者EMANUELE COLELLA:“监控默克尔没有什么问题,如果他们这样做的话我没有什么意见 。但是监控弗朗西斯教皇不行 。你们不能碰教皇 。”
The latest revelations stem from documents leaked by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden who is wanted by Washington for the unauthorised disclosures. The United States has faced growing international condemnation over its far-reaching global surveillance activities and the White House has moved to limit some of its NSA programmes.
最新信息的披露来源于前美国情报雇员斯诺登泄露的文件 。由于未经授权泄露机密文件,他正受到华盛顿方面的通缉 。由于遍布全球的监控行为,美国受到国际社会越来越严厉的谴责 。白宫已经采取行动限制MSA一些项目 。
New York bus driver talks girl off ledge
A New York bus driver becomes a hero who saves this young woman. She was preparing to leap for her death over a busy expressway. He's encountered passengers of all kinds on the job, but this was an encounter he'd never forget.
一名纽约公交车司机成为挽救这名年轻女子的英雄 。她准备跳下车辆川流不息的高速公路自杀 。他从事这份工作以来曾经见过各种各样的乘客,但是这次遇到的事情他终生难忘 。
(SOUNDBITE) NEW YORK BUS DRIVER DARNELL BARTON SAYING: "It was meant to be. I was supposed to be there for her at that moment and I was."
纽约公交车司机DARNELL BARTON:“我注定要到那里 。那个时刻我刚好应该到那里,我也做到了 。”
Surveillance video shows footage of the exchange between the two. His bus was reportedly full of high schoolers, who patiently waited for 20 minutes while he talked the girl off the ledge.
监控视频显示了两人之间交涉的影响 。据报道,这辆公交车满载高中生,他们都耐心地等待了20分钟,让司机劝服这位女孩走下来 。
Family shot dead in South Carolina
家庭纠纷 南卡州枪击案全家6人被杀
Crime tape and police surround this South Carolina home, the scene of a deadly shooting Tuesday night. The Greenwood County Sheriff says four adults and two children were shot dead in what appears to have started as a domestic dispute between a boyfriend and girlfriend.
警戒线和警方包围了南卡罗来纳州这座房屋,这里是周二晚上致命枪击案的现场 。格林伍德县长官表示,这个家庭4名成年人和2名儿童被枪杀,似乎是由于男女朋友引发的家庭纠纷 。
SOUNDBITE: GREENWOOD COUNTY SHERIFF TONY DAVIS, SAYING: "I think South Carolina, I saw on the internet, is number five in the nation as far as violence. We rank pretty high as far as domestic violence. I wish I had an answer for it. I don't."
格林伍德县长官TONY DAVIS:“我在互联网上看到,南卡罗来纳州的暴力犯罪率是全国的五倍 。家庭暴力犯罪率也排在比较高的位置 。我希望能找到解决办法,很遗憾没有 。”
The sheriff says the alleged shooter called 911 to warn dispatchers he was about to hurt himself. When authorities arrived at the home, they found six bodies, including that of the alleged shooter. The youngest victim was 9 years old. The two children are believed to be nephews.
这位长官表示,枪手曾经致电911警告调度员他即将自残 。警方到达这座房屋时发现了6具尸体,包括枪击嫌疑人 。最年幼的受害者只有9岁 。据信两名儿童是他的侄子 。