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BEC初级真题第4辑精听:Test1-Part Four(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Man: Well, we knew we had to spend money on marketing, but the most important thing was to introduce better management control of finances, and after that, to look very carefully at the organisation and cost of manufacturing.
Woman: Did you make any changes there?
Man: Oh, yes. To take one example, at one point we started out manufacturing tennis balls in Germany. But costs were lower in the Philippines. So in the end, we moved all our manufacturing there. By the end of this year, ninety-five per cent of our production will be there, although we are opening one small plant in Indonesia, too.
Woman: And is the company on a better financial basis now?
Man: Absolutely. We'll be in profit this year, and looking to expand.
Woman: You plan to introduce new products then?
Man: Yes. We've just launched a new product, a waterproof tennis ball, and we've signed contracts with several players from different countries to give us an international image, so I'm really pleased about that. But our key objective is to develop the products we have, such as tennis rackets, and improve them further.
Woman: So the future looks promising.
Man: It certainly does.
Woman: Thanks, John.
Man: Thank you.

文章关键字: 听写 第4辑 真题 BEC





