约翰•亚当斯John Adams
Ashley S. The idea of creative minds fueling progress is exemplified by president John Adam's trip to France in 1773. The United States was losing their battle for independence from Britain and the military needed the support of any who could help. In a desperate, and what many deemed "hopeless", attempt to gain a powerful ally, Adams sailed to France to meet with Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, where they hoped to forge an alliance with France. Adams immersed himself in French culture, learning the language, attending the theatre, and befriending many dignitaries. Eventually, he met with 24 year old, Louis XIV who, after much persuasion, agreed to form an alliance. If Adams had not been so creative and gone to France, the United States may not have won their independence from Britain because of their poor military.
点评:这个段落十分详细地描述了亚当斯努力与法国缔结同盟的细节。Ashley的平行结构用得很好:"Adams immersed himself in French culture, learning the language, attending the theatre, and befriending many dignitaries."