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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Oh, all right," she said. "But be careful, those tiles are rotten."

The stranger's face had a pained expression of stupor and he seemed to be battling silently against his primary instincts so as not to break up the mirage. Remedios the Beauty thought that he was suffering from the fear that the tiles would break and she bathed herself more quickly than usual so that the man would not be in danger. While she was pouring water from the, cistern she told him that the roof was in that state because she thought that the bed of leaves had been rotted by the rain and that was what was filling the bathroom with scorpions. The stranger thought that her small talk was a way of covering her complaisance, so that when she began to soap herself he gave into temptation and went a step further.陌个人脸上露出惊异和痛苦的表情,他似乎在闷不作声地跟原始本能搏斗,生怕奇妙的幻景消失。俏姑娘雷麦黛丝却以为他怕屋顶塌下,就尽量比平常洗得快些,不愿让这个人长久处在危险之中。姑娘一面冲洗身子,一面向他说,这屋顶的状况很糟,因为瓦上铺的树叶被雨水淋得腐烂了,蝎子也就钻进浴室来了。陌生人以为她嘀嘀咕咕是在掩饰她的青睐,所以她在身上擦肥皂时,他就耐不住想碰碰运气。
"Let me soap you," he murmured.“让我给你擦肥皂吧,”他嘟嚷说。
"Thank you for your good intentions," she said, "but my two hands are quite enough."“谢谢你的好意,”她回答,“可我的两只手完全够啦。”
"Even if it's just your back," the foreigner begged.“嗨,哪怕光给你擦擦背也好,”陌生人恳求。
"That would be silly," she said. "People never soap their backs."“为啥?”她觉得奇怪。“哪儿见过用肥皂擦背的?”
Then, while she was drying herself, the stranger begged her, with his eyes full of tears, to marry him. She answered him sincerely that she would never marry a man who was so simple that he had wasted almost an hour and even went without lunch just to see a woman taking a bath. Finally, when she put on her cassock, the man could not bear the proof that, indeed, she was not wearing anything underneath, as everyone had suspected, and he felt himself marked forever with the white-hot iron of that secret. Then he took two more tiles off in order to drop down into the bathroom.接着,当地擦干身子的时候,陌生人泪汪汪地央求她嫁给他。她坦率地回答他说,她决不嫁给一个憨头憨脑的人,因为他浪费了几乎一个小时,连饭都不吃,光是为了观看一个洗澡的女人。俏姑娘雷麦黛丝最后穿上肥大衣服时,陌生人亲眼看见,正象许多人的猜测,她的确是把衣服直接套在光身上的,他认为这个秘密完全得到了证实。他又挪开两块瓦,打算跳进浴室。
"It's very high," she warned him in fright. "You'll kill yourself!"“这儿挺高,”姑娘惊骇地警告他,“你会摔死的!”

"Oh, all right," she said. "But be careful, those tiles are rotten."
The stranger's face had a pained expression of stupor and he seemed to be battling silently against his primary instincts so as not to break up the mirage. Remedios the Beauty thought that he was suffering from the fear that the tiles would break and she bathed herself more quickly than usual so that the man would not be in danger. While she was pouring water from the, cistern she told him that the roof was in that state because she thought that the bed of leaves had been rotted by the rain and that was what was filling the bathroom with scorpions. The stranger thought that her small talk was a way of covering her complaisance, so that when she began to soap herself he gave into temptation and went a step further.
"Let me soap you," he murmured.
"Thank you for your good intentions," she said, "but my two hands are quite enough."
"Even if it's just your back," the foreigner begged.
"That would be silly," she said. "People never soap their backs."
Then, while she was drying herself, the stranger begged her, with his eyes full of tears, to marry him. She answered him sincerely that she would never marry a man who was so simple that he had wasted almost an hour and even went without lunch just to see a woman taking a bath. Finally, when she put on her cassock, the man could not bear the proof that, indeed, she was not wearing anything underneath, as everyone had suspected, and he felt himself marked forever with the white-hot iron of that secret. Then he took two more tiles off in order to drop down into the bathroom.
"It's very high," she warned him in fright. "You'll kill yourself!"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
soap [səup]


n. 肥皂
vt. 用肥皂洗,阿谀奉承

covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

sincerely [sin'siəli]


adv. 真诚地,真心地

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

temptation [temp'teiʃən]


n. 诱惑,引诱

rotten ['rɔtn]


adj. 腐烂的,腐朽的

mirage [mi'rɑ:ʒ]


n. 海市蜃楼,幻想

complaisance [kəm'pleizns]


n. 彬彬有礼,殷勤,奉承

stupor ['stju:pə]


n. 昏迷,麻木,不省人事





