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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第11章Part 9

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Looking at the sketch that Aureli-ano Triste drew on the table and that was a direct descendent of the plans with which José Arcadio Buendía had illustrated his project for solar warfare, úrsula confirmed her impression that time was going in a circle. But unlike his forebear, Aureli-ano Triste did not lose any sleep or appetite nor did he torment anyone with crises of ill humor, but he considered the most harebrained of projects as immediate possibilities, made rational calculations about costs and dates, and brought them off without any intermediate exasperation. If Aureli-ano Segun-do had something of his great--grandfather in him and lacked something of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía, it was an absolute indifference to mockery, and he gave the money to bring the railroad with the same lighthearted air with which he had given it for his brother's absurd navigation project. Aureli-ano Triste consulted the calendar and left the following Wednesday, planning to return after the rains had passed. There was nomore news of him. Aureli-ano Centeno, overwhelmed by the abundance of the factory, had already begun to experiment with the production of ice with a base of fruit juices instead of water, and without knowing it or thinking about it, he conceived the essential fundamentals for the invention of sherbet. In that way he planned to diversify the production of an enterprise he considered his own, because his brother showed no signs of returning after the rains had passed and a whole summer had gone by with no news of him. At the start of another winter, however, a woman who was washing clothes in the river during the hottest time of the day ran screaming down the main street in an alarming state of commotion.

"It's coming," she finally explained. "Something frightful, like a kitchen dragging a village behind it."“那边来了一个吓人的东西,”她终于说道。“好象安了轮子的厨房,后面拖着一个村镇。”
At that moment the town was shaken by a whistle with a fearful echo and a loud, panting respiration. During the previous weeks they had seen the gangs who were laying ties and tracks and no one paid attention to them because they thought it was some new trick of the gypsies, coming back with whistles and tambourines and their age-old and discredited song and dance about the qualities of some concoction put together by journey-man geniuses of Jerusalem. But when they recovered from the noise of the whistles and the snorting, all the inhabitants ran out into the street and saw Aureli-ano Triste waving from the locomotive, and in a trance they saw the flower-bedecked train which was arriving for the first time eight months late. The innocent yellow train that was to bring so many ambiguities and certainties, so many pleasant and unpleasant moments, so many changes, calamities, and feelings of nostalgia to Ma-condo.在这片刻间,马孔多被可怕的汽笛声和噗哧噗哧的喷气声吓得战粟起来。几个星期之前,许多人曾看见一大群工人铺设枕木和钢轨,可是谁也没去注意,因为大家以为这是吉卜赛人的折把戏——他们又来了,带来了笛鼓和丧失了名誉的古老歌舞,并且吹嘘耶路撒冷天才人物发明的一种古怪药水的优点。可是,马孔多居民们从喧噪的汽笛声和喷气声中清醒过来以后,都涌上街头,看见了从机车上向他们招手致意的奥雷连诺·特里斯特,看见了第一次晚点几个月的五彩缤纷的一列火车。这列样子好看的黄色火车注定要给马孔多带来那么多的怀疑和肯定,带来那么多的好事和坏事,带来那多的变化、灾难和忧愁。

Looking at the sketch that Aureli-ano Triste drew on the table and that was a direct descendent of the plans with which José Arcadio Buendía had illustrated his project for solar warfare, úrsula confirmed her impression that time was going in a circle. But unlike his forebear, Aureli-ano Triste did not lose any sleep or appetite nor did he torment anyone with crises of ill humor, but he considered the most harebrained of projects as immediate possibilities, made rational calculations about costs and dates, and brought them off without any intermediate exasperation. If Aureli-ano Segun-do had something of his great--grandfather in him and lacked something of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía, it was an absolute indifference to mockery, and he gave the money to bring the railroad with the same lighthearted air with which he had given it for his brother's absurd navigation project. Aureli-ano Triste consulted the calendar and left the following Wednesday, planning to return after the rains had passed. There was nomore news of him. Aureli-ano Centeno, overwhelmed by the abundance of the factory, had already begun to experiment with the production of ice with a base of fruit juices instead of water, and without knowing it or thinking about it, he conceived the essential fundamentals for the invention of sherbet. In that way he planned to diversify the production of an enterprise he considered his own, because his brother showed no signs of returning after the rains had passed and a whole summer had gone by with no news of him. At the start of another winter, however, a woman who was washing clothes in the river during the hottest time of the day ran screaming down the main street in an alarming state of commotion.
"It's coming," she finally explained. "Something frightful, like a kitchen dragging a village behind it."
At that moment the town was shaken by a whistle with a fearful echo and a loud, panting respiration. During the previous weeks they had seen the gangs who were laying ties and tracks and no one paid attention to them because they thought it was some new trick of the gypsies, coming back with whistles and tambourines and their age-old and discredited song and dance about the qualities of some concoction put together by journey-man geniuses of Jerusalem. But when they recovered from the noise of the whistles and the snorting, all the inhabitants ran out into the street and saw Aureli-ano Triste waving from the locomotive, and in a trance they saw the flower-bedecked train which was arriving for the first time eight months late. The innocent yellow train that was to bring so many ambiguities and certainties, so many pleasant and unpleasant moments, so many changes, calamities, and feelings of nostalgia to Ma-condo.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
locomotive [.ləukə'məutiv]


n. 火车头,机关车
adj. 运转的,火车头

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

torment ['tɔ:ment,tɔ:'ment]


n. 苦痛,拷问
v. 使苦恼,拷问

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果

diversify [dai'və:sifai]


v. 使成形形色色,使多样化,使变化

absurd [əb'sə:d]


adj. 荒唐的
n. 荒唐

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

navigation [.nævi'geiʃən]


n. 航行,航海,导航

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

lighthearted ['lait'hɑ:tid]


adj. 快乐的,心情愉快的;无忧无虑的





