Mall standoff enters fourth day as Kenyans seek answers
Gunshots echo from Nairobi's besieged shopping mall as security forces monitor the ongoing standoff. The conflict at Westgate shopping mall is now in its fourth day with smoke still rising from what officials described as burning mattresses. On Saturday, militants from Somalia's al Shabaab Islamist group stormed the mall, killing at least 62 people and wounding 175. Kenya Red Cross says a number of people are still unaccounted for and "several hostages" remain held up inside. This woman is looking for her missing husband who was working at the Nakumatt supermarket inside the mall. Another woman, who was consoling the grieving woman, says they don't know if he is dead or alive.
安全力量继续监视僵持局面的时候,内罗毕被包围的购物商场内出现了枪声Westgate购物商场的冲突现在已进入第四天,浓烟仍然从官员们所说的燃烧的床垫中升起 。周六,来自索马里激进伊斯兰组织青年党的好战分子袭击了该商场,造成至少62人死亡,175人受伤 。肯尼亚红十字会表示,一些人仍然下落不明,商场内的好战分子仍然挟持着几名人质 。这名女子正在寻找在这栋商场内的Nakumatt超市工作的失踪的丈夫 。正在安慰这名悲伤女子的另外一名女子表示,她们完全不知道他的生死状况 。 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Swahili) UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN (WHO WAS CONSOLING THE FIRST GRIEVING WOMAN) SAYING: "Her husband works at Nakumatt, and he hasn't been found. So when we went to the crisis center, they told us they haven't got a list of those killed. We tell them: even if he is dead just let us know, so that at least we know that he is dead. But we are not getting anything so we are just stranded."
未透露姓名的女子(安慰此前悲伤的女子的人):“她的丈夫在Nakumatt超市工作,现在还没有找到 。所以,当我们到达危机处理中心的时候,他们还没有遇难者名单 。我们告诉他们:即使他死了,也一定要让我们知道,这样至少我们知道他遇难了 。但是我们还没有得到任何消息,所以我们仍然处于困境 。”
Officials from foreign embassies are also looking at the city's mortuary to identify their citizens who may have been killed in the attack.
外国大使馆的官员们也在该市太平间确认在袭击中遇难的本国公民的身份 。
Obama promises to keep America engaged in U.N. speech
President Barack Obama says the U.S. must remain engaged in the world -- despite widespread criticism by some of his counterparts at the United Nations.
奥巴马总统表示,美国必须与全世界保持接洽——尽管联合国一些伙伴国对美国存在广泛的批评 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "The danger for the world is not an America that is too eager to immerse itself in the affairs of other countries (EDIT) The danger for the world is that the United States (EDIT) may disengage, creating a vaccuum of leadership that no other nation is ready to fill."
奥巴马总统:“全世界面临的危险并不是美国过于迫切地参与他国事务 。全世界面临的危险是,美国必须解除,创造其他任何国家都难以填补的领导空缺 。”
Obama's address to the U.N. General Assembly comes after a fierce debate in the U.S. that almost led to missile strikes in Syria over its chemical weapons.
奥巴马在联合国大会发表讲话之前,美国进行了激烈的辩论,几乎因化学武器导致对叙利亚进行导弹袭击 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "When I stated my willingness to order a limited strike against the Assad regime in response to the brazen use of chemical weapons, I did not do so lightly."
奥巴马总统:“当我表达自己的想法,对叙利亚残忍地使用化学武器做出回应,对阿萨德政权进行有限的军事打击的时候,我并不是轻易做出决定的 。”
In the wide-ranging speech, Obama also said he was encouraged on the diplomatic front regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions.
在这篇内容广泛的讲话中,奥巴马还表示,他有意针对伊朗核野心做出外交努力 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "For while the status quo will only deepen Iran's isolation, Iran's genuine commitment to go down a different path will be good for the region and the world."
奥巴马总统:“目前的状况只会加深伊朗的孤立,伊朗真诚地承诺走不同的道路将有利于区域和世界和平 。”
The White House left open the possibility that Obama and Iranian President Rouhani Hassan could meet - at least for a handshake on the U.N. sidelines.
白宫未排除奥巴马和伊朗总统鲁哈尼会晤的可能性——至少可能在联合国大会期间会握手问候 。
Violence erupts over low garment factory wages
Violent protests broke out near the Bangladeshi capital this week as thousands of garment factory workers clashed with police in protests over low wages. Hundreds of workers wielding sticks blocked rocks and attacked some vehicles. At least 50 people were injured including some policemen. The workers refusal to work forced more than 100 factories to shut down. The workers want $62 more per month in wages... from $38 dollars to 100. Wages were last increased in 2010 -- up, from just $19 dollars per month. Garments are vital to the Bangladeshi economy where low wages and duty-free access to Western markets have helped make it the world's second largest apparel exporter after China.
本周,孟加拉国首都附近爆发暴力抗议活动,在反对薪资低廉的抗议活动中,数千名服装厂工人与警方发生冲突 。数百名挥舞着棍棒的工人堵塞了道路,袭击了一些车辆 。至少50人受伤,包括几名警察 。工人拒绝上班迫使100多家工厂关闭 。工人们希望月薪增加62美元,从38美元上涨到100美元 。上次加薪是在2010年,原来的薪资只有每月19美元 。服装对于孟加拉国的经济来说是非常关键的 。孟加拉国的薪资低廉,而且针对西方市场的免税政策使这个国家成为全世界仅次于中国的第二大服装出口国 。