Suicide blasts hit Pakistan church
At least 56 people were said to have died when two suicide bombers detonated their explosives at this church in the Pakistani city of Peshawar. The victims included a number of children. More than 600 parishioners were inside the church for a service on Sunday when the bombers struck. Some witnesses blamed security forces for their ability to cause so much bloodshed.
在巴基斯坦城市白沙瓦,两名自杀式爆炸者引爆了炸药,据称造成至少56人死亡 。遇难者中包括几名儿童 。爆炸袭击发生时,超过600名教区居民在这座教堂内参加周日的活动 。一些目击者谴责安全力量能力不足,造成如此严重的血腥事件 。
(SOUNDBITE)(Urdu) HAROON SARDAYAL, WITNESS, SAYING: "This was a security lapse," (THIS MAN SAYS). "This was a lapse because during prayers they don't even let Christians enter. How did the suicide bombers come in so freely? This attack took place after prayers. This attack happened because of the negligence of security officials."
目击者HAROON SARDAYAL表示:“这是安全过失造成的 。这绝对是安全失误,因为祈祷期间他们甚至不允许基督徒入内 。自杀式爆炸者为何能自由进入呢?袭击发生在祈祷后 。袭击的发生是由于安全官员的疏忽 。”
More than 100 people were reported to have been wounded in the explosions. The church is in a busy market area of Peshawar. Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for minorities. Sunni Muslims frequently bomb targets they regard as heretical. Christians, Shi'ite Muslims and Sufis have been subjected to a rising number of attacks. Sunday's bombing is deadliest assault on Pakistan's Christians in years.
据报道,超过100人在爆炸中受伤 。这座教堂位于白沙瓦一个繁忙的市场区域 。对少数民族来说,巴基斯坦是世界上最危险的国家之一 。逊尼派穆斯林经常轰炸他们视为异教的目标 。基督徒,什叶派穆斯林和伊斯兰苏非派都遭遇越来越多的袭击 。周日的爆炸是近年来巴基斯坦基督徒遭遇的最为致命的袭击 。
Kenya death toll rises
The number of dead in the Nairobi shopping mall siege had risen to at least 59 by Sunday afternoon. There was still no end in sight to the stalemate as Kenyan security forces surrounded the complex and the armed attackers remained holed up inside. They're believed to have hostages but it was unclear how many. Kenya's Interior Minister said more than a thousand people had been evacuated from the Westgate mall. At least 175 people were being treated in hospital, some of them wounded security personnel. As the deadlock dragged on survivors of the assault told how it began on Saturday. Presidential candidate Ben Mulwa was among them.
截止到周日下午,在内罗毕购物商场袭击中遇难的人数已经上升到至少59人Westgate商场疏散 。至少175人正在医院接受治疗,其中一些是受伤的安全人员 。随着僵局的持续,袭击的幸存者讲述了周六事件是如何开始的 。总统候选人Ben Mulwa就是其中之一 。 。肯尼亚安全力量包围了这栋建筑,武装袭击者仍被困在内,僵持的局面远远没有结束的迹象 。据信武装分子劫持了人质,但是数目不详 。肯尼亚内政部长表示,超过1,000人从
(SOUNDBITE)(English) BEN MULWA, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, SAYING: "They shot into the security cubicle and started shooting randomly. I think specifically they were targeting the security guys because I saw them pursuing quite a number of them. Unfortunately where I was, the security guard who was lying next to where I was, was shot in the head and died instantly. I saw that. Then he shot at me and the bullet, if you look here, there was a graze here." Another witness, said to be a manager at the complex, said all she could do was hide and hope.
总统候选人BEN MULWA:“他们开枪射击了安全室,随后开始随意射击 。我认为他们特别针对安全人员,因为我看到他们追击了很多名安全人员 。不幸的是,距离我很近的那名安全保卫人员被击中头部,立即死亡 。我目睹了这一切 。然后持枪分子向我开枪,如果你仔细看一下,这里可以看到擦伤 。”另外一名目击者据称是这栋大楼内一名经理 。她说,她能做的只有躲起来,希望袭击快点结束 。
(SOUNDBITE)(English) UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS SAID TO BE A MANAGER AT THE WESTGATE MALL SAYING: "Bullets were running over my head but God protected me until around 11. That is when I crawled into my office and I locked myself inside." Militant Somali group al-Shabab is claiming responsibility for the siege The group is fighting Kenyan and other African peacekeepers in Somalia and had threatened attacks on Kenyan soil if Nairobi failed to withdraw its troops.
据称是WESTGATE商场一名经理的未透露姓名的目击者:“子弹从我头上飞过,不过上帝保护我,一直到大约11点钟 。那时我爬进办公室,把我自己锁在里面 。”好战组织索马里青年党宣称对袭击事件负责 。该组织正在抗击索马里境内的肯尼亚和其他非洲国家维和人员,过去曾经威胁称,如果内罗毕不撤出自己的军队,他们将在肯尼亚国土上发动袭击 。
North Korea halts family reunions
North Korea's decision to postpone the long-awaited reunion of families separated during the Korean War was announced on state tv. It said conservative forces in the South were using the meetings to create confrontation. The abrupt postponement came just days before the start of the reunion, the first in three years. South Korea's unification ministry spokesman condemned the decision as inhumane.
朝鲜国家电视台宣布,决定推迟在朝鲜战争期间骨肉分离的家人等待已久的团聚 。公告称,韩国境内的保守力量利用亲人的会面来制造冲突 。突然的推迟就在团聚即将开始几天之前,这是三年来的首次 。韩国统一部发言人谴责该决定是非常不人道的 。
(SOUNDBITE)(Korean) SOUTH KOREAN UNIFICATION MINISTRY SPOKESMAN KIM EUI-DO SAYING: "North Korea should be criticised for its inhumane behaviour that has broken the hearts of all families separated by the war, and South Koreans," (HE SAID). "Above all, it cannot be justified that North Korea has decided to postpone humanitarian family reunions for political reasons." Whatever the reasoning behind the postponement it'll come as a bitter blow to families torn apart since the war of the 1950s.
韩国统一部发言人KIM EUI-DO:“朝鲜这种不人道的行为应该受到谴责,他们伤透了因战争而被迫分离的所有家庭和韩国人的心 。最重要的是,朝鲜因政治原因推迟人道主义的家庭团聚是不正当的 。”无论该决定是出于什么原因,对于自上世纪50年代的战争以来被迫分离的家庭来说,这确实是一个痛苦的打击 。