Flags at half-staff to honor shooting victims
Flags fly at half-staff in Washington - and around the U.S. - a day after a tragic mass shooting at the U.S. Navy Yard that left 13 people - including the suspected shooter - dead. On Tuesday, security was tight - at the base which was closed to everyone but essential personnel. Military police were stationed at the four entrances - checking the vehicles and identifications of the employees allowed back in. Officials have named 34-year-old Aaron Alexis - a naval contractor from Fort Worth, Texas -- as the sole suspect in the massacre. Valerie Parlave - the assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington field office - said Alexis gained entry to the Naval Yard with a valid id.
大规模枪击惨案造成包括犯罪嫌疑人在内的13人死亡一天之后,华盛顿以及美国各地降半旗表示哀悼Aaron Alexis)是这起大屠杀中唯一的嫌疑人 。负责FBI华盛顿办公室的副主任Valerie Parlave表示,亚历克西斯持有效证件进入该海军基地 。 。周二,事发海军基地安全警戒得到加强,基地对所有人关闭,除了必要的人员之外 。军事警察守卫着四个出口,检查允许入内的车辆和雇员的证件 。官员们指出,来自德克萨斯州沃斯堡的海军承包商雇员亚伦·亚历克西斯(
SOUNDBITE: Valerie Parlave, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington field office, saying: "At this time, we believe that Mr. Alexis entered Building 197 at the Navy Yard with a shotgun. We do not have any information at this time that he had an AR-15 in his possession. We also believe Mr. Alexis may have gained access to a handgun once inside the facility and after he began shooting."
负责FBI华盛顿办公室的副主任Valerie Parlave:“目前,我们怀疑亚历克西斯持猎枪进入海军基地197号建筑 。目前我们没有资料显示他持有AR-15 。我们还相信,亚历克西斯是进入海军基地之后获得枪支,然后就开始射击 。”
A federal law enforcement source told Reuters Alexis had a history of mental problems but gave no details ... as investigators search for a motive. Meanwhile, the mourning begins....as U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel lays a wreath at the U.S. Navy Memorial in honor of the victims of the shooting.
联邦执法部门消息来源告诉路透社,亚历克西斯曾有精神疾病史,但是没有透露细节Chuck Hagel)在美国海军纪念碑前献上花圈,向枪击案遇难者致敬 。 。调查人员正在检查其犯罪动机 。同时,悼念活动开始进行 。美国国防部长哈格尔(
Congress needs to act regarding gun control-Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama said Tuesday during an interview with Spanish language network, Telemundo, that its up to Congress to help provent gun violence.
周二,奥巴马总统在接受西班牙语网站Telemundo采访时表示,防止枪支暴力的努力取决于国会 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "I have now in the wake of Newtown initiated a whole range of executive actions. We've put in place every executive action-- that-- I proposed right after Newtown happened. So I've taken steps-- that are within my control. The next phase now is for Congress to go ahead-- and move." Obama made the statements a day after a gunman killed 12 people in a shooting at the U.S. Naval Yard in Washington, DC.
美国总统奥巴马表示:“自纽镇枪击案以来,我已经采取了一系列行政措施 。在纽镇枪击案之后我提议的每一条措施都已经到位 。所以,我已经做出了努力——在我的控制范围内 。下一阶段就是由国会来采取行动了 。”一名枪手在华盛顿特区海军基地枪杀了12人一天之后,奥巴马总统发表了该声明 。
Fugitive Snowden in running for European rights prize
(SOUNDBITE) (English) ROMANIAN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT CORINA CRETU SAYING: "The nominations proposed by political groups or more than forty members are the following in alphabetical order."
罗马尼亚议会成员科丽娜·克雷楚(Corina Cretu):“政治团体或40多名议会成员提名的候选人名单按照字母排列顺序如下……”
Past winners of the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought include Nelson Mandela and Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. This year, fugitive U.S. intelligence analyst Edward Snowden is one of seven nominees, announced in Brussels on Monday (September 16).
欧洲议会“萨哈洛夫思想自由奖”过去的获奖者包括曼德拉和缅甸反对派领袖昂山素季 。今年,逃亡的美国情报分析人员斯诺登也是七名候选人之一,于周一,也就是9月16日在布鲁塞尔宣布 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) ROMANIAN MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT CORINA CRETU SAYING: "Edward Snowden, the American computer specialist and the former CIA NSA employee who released classified information about mass surveillance programmes of communication technologies."
罗马尼亚议会成员科丽娜·克雷楚(Corina Cretu):“斯诺登,美国电脑专家和泄漏政府大规模监控通讯记录项目的国家安全局前CIA雇员 。”
Snowden, who is in hiding in Russia, was nominated by the Greens in the European Parliament who said in a statement he had done an "enormous service for human rights" by disclosing secret American internet and telephone surveillance programs. Revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency monitors vast quantities of data of both Americans and foreigners and a report that Washington spied on the EU has caused outrage in European capitals. Russia granted the 30-year-old former data analyst a year's asylum last month. Washington wanted him sent home to face criminal charges, including espionage. The prize winner will be chosen by parliamentary leaders on October 10.
斯诺登目前避难俄罗斯,获得欧洲议会绿党提名 。他们在一份声明中表示,斯诺登披露了美国监控互联网和电话的项目,为人权做出了巨大贡献 。美国国家安全局监控美国人和外国人大量数据,以及华盛顿在欧盟安插间谍的消息引发了欧洲各国首都的公愤 。上月,俄罗斯宣布给予这位30岁的前数据分析人员一年的收容 。华盛顿方面希望俄罗斯将斯诺登遣送回国接受刑事控告,包括间谍罪 。欧洲人权奖将于10月10日由议会领导人选定 。