Evacuations in Colorado ahead of predicted flood surge
In the Western U.S. state of Colorado, farming communities are under mandatory evacuations. They've been warned the already devastating floods that hit the region on Wednesday could surge as heavy rain continues over the weekend. Authorities say the floodwaters, the worst to hit the state in decades, have claimed the lives of at least four, and possibly five, people. Nearly 200 others in eastern Colorado remain unaccounted for, although authorities think some of them may still be stranded. The National Weather Service warns of scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the weekend. That could trigger even more flash flooding - across stretches of the state already drenched and underwater.
在美国西部科罗拉多州,农耕区民众被强制撤离 。他们已经收到警告,由于暴雨将持续至周末,周三袭击该地区的毁灭性洪水将爆发 。当局表示,这是该州几十年来遭遇的最为严重的洪水,已经夺走至少4人,也可能是5人的生命 。科罗拉多东部仍有接近200人失踪,当局认为其中一些人可能仍然被困 。国家气象局预警周末期间仍将有分散的暴雨和雷电 。这会在这个已经被洪水淹没的州引发更严重的灾难 。
We've reached a deal - Kerry
After nearly three days of negotiations and compromises, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announce a joint framework for removing Syria's chemical weapons. Kerry said if President Bashar al-Assad upheld his end of the deal- which includes full and immediate access to the chemical weapon sites- then the plan could work. But Kerry stopped short of saying the threat of military action had been completely eliminated.
经过接近三天的谈判和让步,美国国务卿约翰·克里和俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫宣布了解除叙利亚化学武器的联合框架 。克里表示,如果阿萨德总统支持该协议——包括立即全面告知化学武器的存放地点——该计划将生效 。但是克里并未表示军事行动的威胁完全消除 。
SOUNDBITE (English) U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY SAYING: "Now the potential for the threat of force, is clearly one of those options, that may or may not be available to the security council and is subject to debate. Everyone knows the differences of opinions about it. But depending on what Assad does, that possibility exists either within the process of the United Nations or as it did here, with a decision by the president of the United States and like minded allies if they thought that was what it came to."
美国国务卿约翰·克里:“现在,使用武力威胁的可能性仍是其中一个选择,安理会可能会采纳,也可能会反对,仍然饱受争议 。每个人都知道其中存在的分歧 。但是取决于阿萨德的所作所为,无论是在联合国,还是在这里,动用武力的可能性仍然存在,由美国总统奥巴马以及他们的盟国来决定 。”
Kerry said under the six part plan, Syria must submit a comprehensive listing of it's chemical weapons stockpiles within one week. Lavrov noted that the UN body on chemical weapons would first approve the plan before a timetable was set. Kerry plans to travel to Jerusalem Sunday for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and will meet with British and French officials in Paris on Monday to discuss Syria.
克里表示,根据六方计划,叙利亚必须在一周内交出其化学武器存储的综合列表 。拉夫罗夫指出,联合国化学武器调查小组在制定时间表之前必须先批准该计划 。克里计划于周日前往耶路撒冷,与以色列总理内塔尼亚胡进行会谈,并将于周一抵达巴黎,与英国和法国官员商讨叙利亚问题 。
Thousands of opposition demonstrators gather in Phnom Penh
Cambodian opposition party supporters held the first of a three day protest to voice their continued anger over alleged fraud in parliamentary elections that took place in July. Thousands of members of the Cambodian National Rescue Party marched through the streets of Phnom Penh with party president Sam Rainsy. The CNRP is asking for an independent investigation into the election results saying they will boycott the National Assembly meeting later this month unless a solution is found.
柬埔寨反对党派支持者举行了为期三天的抗议活动的第一天,表达他们对七月份议会选举舞弊现象的持续愤怒Sam Rainsy)一起游行穿过金边的街道 。柬埔寨救国党要求对选举结果进行独立调查,称如果没有寻找出解决方案,他们将抵制本月晚些时候举行的国民议会 。 。数千名柬埔寨救国党成员与领导人森朗西(
(SOUNDBITE) (Khmer) CAMBODIA NATIONAL RESCUE PARTY LEADER, SAM RAINSY SAYING: "The stance of CNRP, the stance of Kem Sokha and Sam Rainsy is that we will not join the National Assembly meeting due in September 23 as long as there is no solution to give justice to voters."
柬埔寨救国党领导人森朗西(Sam Rainsy)表示:“救国党的态度,根索卡(Kem Sokha)和森朗西(Sam Rainsy)的态度就是,只要没有提出解决方案,还投票者以公平正义,我们就不会参加9月23日举行的国民议会 。”
The country's high court, which is under the influence of the incumbent Cambodian People's Party, has so far refused calls for further investigation and has threatened jail time for those who don't respect it's decision.
柬埔寨最高法庭受当权的柬埔寨人民党控制,目前为止拒绝进行进一步调查,并威胁拘留那些不尊重法庭决定的人 。