3 dead, others wounded in consulate attack
At least three people are dead after a group of Taliban insurgents attacked the U.S. consulate in the western Afghan city of Herat. It happened early Friday morning when a truck carrying insurgents drove to the front gate of the consulate and began attacking guards. The truck later exploded. A suicide bomber targeted the consulate, this resident said. We don't know what happened inside. Officials said two police and a security guard had been killed, 17 others had been wounded and were being treated at nearby hospitals. U.S. officials say none of the consulate staff were injured. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack.
一批塔利班反叛分子袭击了美国驻阿富汗西部省份赫拉特的领事馆,造成至少3人死亡 。袭击发生在周五早上,一辆搭载反叛分子的卡车驶到领事馆前门,开始袭击警卫 。后来这辆卡车爆炸 。这位居民表示,一名自杀式爆炸者袭击了领事馆 。我们不知道里面的状况 。官员们表示,2名警察和1名安全守卫遇难,另有17人受伤,在附近一所医院接受治疗 。美国官员表示,领事馆工作人员无人受伤 。塔利班分子已经宣称对这次袭击事件负责 。
We are having constructive conversations-Kerry
Day two of meetings between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov regarding Syria's chemical weapons disarmament plan. The leaders met with United Nations special envoy for Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi. During a news conference Kerry said talks would continue later this month in New York after both parties had a chance to do some 'homework.'
美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)与俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)之间关于叙利亚化学武器的会议已经进行到第二天 。这两个国家的领导人与联合国赴叙利亚特使卜拉希米(Lakhdar Brahimi)会面 。在新闻发布会上,克里表示,待双方都有机会进行一些准备工作后,会谈将于本月晚些时候在纽约继续进行 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE, JOHN KERRY, SAYING: "We both agreed to do that homework and meet again in New York around the time of the U.N. General Assembly around the 28th in order to see if it is possible then to find a date for that conference much of which will obviously depend on the capacity to have success here in the next day, hours, days on the subject of the chemical weapons."
美国国务卿约翰·克里:“我们都赞同进行一些准备工作,在大约28日联合国大会之期在纽约再次会面,以便查看届时是否可能定下会议日期,这很大程度上取决于接下来的时间叙利亚化学武器问题的进展状况 。”
Lavrov praised Kerry for his continued dedication to finding a compromise the conflict. The leaders said ultimately they hope to nail down a date for a Geneva 2 Middle East peace conference.
拉夫罗夫赞扬克里为了寻找冲突解决方案作出的不断努力 。这些领导人最后表示,他们希望能够敲定日内瓦第二轮中东和平会谈的日期 。
Fire destroys Jersey boardwalk
A raging fire destroys parts of New Jersey's iconic boardwalk just as people in the region are rebuilding after last year's devestating hurricane. At least 20 businesses had been destroyed in a six block legnth of boardwalk as strong winds quickly spread the flames. Governor Chris Christie spoke to reporters as the fire raged behind him.
猛烈的大火毁坏了新泽西州标志性的木板路的一部分,去年毁灭性的飓风过后,该地区的人们正在进行重建工作Chris Christie)在熊熊大火前接受了记者采访 。 。由于狂风加速大火蔓延,在这条6个街区长的木板路上,至少20家商铺被烧毁 。州长克瑞斯蒂(
(SOUNDBITE) (English) NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE SAYING: "After all the effort and time and resources that we've put in to help the folks in Seaside Park and Seaside Heights rebuild, to see this going on, as I said at the top, is just unthinkable. So, I know how I'm feeling, I can only imagine how the residents and business owners in this area are feeling. My heart goes out to them. That's why I'm here, to make sure that every resource is brought to bear to contain this problem."
新泽西州州长克瑞斯蒂(Chris Christie):“我们投入了大量的努力,大量的时间和大量的金钱来帮助海滨公园和海滨高速重建,看到这里又被火海吞噬,我觉得这是难以想象的 。所以,我知道自己的感受,我也能够想象这里的居民和业主的感受 。我能够感同身受 。所以我来到这里,确保所有资源能够到位来解决问题 。”
The region was amongst the hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. The cause of the fire is not yet known.
该地区是受2012年10月飓风桑迪影响最严重的地区之一 。火灾起因尚未确定 。