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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第7章Part 5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
It was the second question that made it impossible for so long to ask Sethe about the first. Thething that leapt up had been coiled in just such a place: a darkness, a stone, and some other thingthat moved by itself. She went deaf rather than hear the answer, and like the little four o'clocks thatsearched openly for sunlight, then closed themselves tightly when it left, Denver kept watch for thebaby and withdrew from everything else. Until Paul D came. But the damage he did came undonewith the miraculous resurrection of Beloved.是那第二个问题,使得她过了那么长时间才去找塞丝问第一个问题。那跳将起来的东西,曾经在这样一个地方被卷了起来:一片漆黑,有块石头,还有某种能自己动弹的东西。她还没听到回答,耳朵就聋了;同那些盛开着追随阳光、当阳光离去时又紧紧关闭自己的小茉莉花一样,丹芙一直守候着那个婴儿,对旁的一切事物都不管不顾。直到保罗·D到来。不过,他造成的破坏因为宠儿奇迹般的复活而自动失效了。
Just ahead, at the edge of the stream, Denver couldsee her silhouette, standing barefoot in the water, liking her black skirts up above her calves, thebeautiful head lowered in rapt attention.就在前面,在小溪边,丹芙能看见她的剪影:她赤脚立在水中,黑裙子提到腿肚上,美丽的头全神贯注地低垂着。
Blinking fresh tears Denver approached her — eager for a word, a sign of forgiveness.丹芙眨落新鲜的眼泪,靠近她——渴盼着一句话,一个宽恕的信号。
Denver took off her shoes and stepped into the water with her. It took a moment for her to drag hereyes from the spectacle of Beloved's head to see what she was staring at.丹芙脱下鞋子,在她身旁将双脚踏入水中。过了一会儿,她才把目光从宠儿奇妙的头上移开,去看她正在盯着什么看。
A turtle inched along the edge, turned and climbed to dry ground. Not far behind it was anotherone, headed in the same direction. Four placed plates under a hovering motionless bowl. Behindher in the grass the other one moving quickly, quickly to mount her. The impregnable strength ofhim — earthing his feet near her shoulders. The embracing necks — hers stretching up toward hisbending down, the pat pat pat of their touching heads. No height was beyond her yearning neck,stretched like a finger toward his, risking everything outside the bowl just to touch his face. Thegravity of their shields, clashing, countered and mocked the floating heads touching.一只乌龟沿着河岸徐行,拐了个弯,爬向干燥的地面。身后不远处是另一只,头朝着同一个方向。四只盘子各就各位,安置在一只踟蹰不前的碗钵下面。从雌龟身后的草丛里,那只雄龟飞快地爬出来,飞快地骑在她的背上。他勇不可挡——就在她的肩膀旁,他把脚埋进土里。脖子纠缠起来——她的往上伸,他的朝下弯,他们相亲的头拍打,拍打,拍打。她焦渴的脖颈抬得比什么都高,宛如一根手指,伸向他的脖颈,冒着伸出碗钵外面的一切危险,只是为了触到他的脸。沉甸甸的甲壳彼此撞击,抗议并嘲笑着他们那游离出来相亲的龟头。
Beloveddropped the folds of her skirt. It spread around her. The hem darkened in the water.宠儿撂下裙褶。裙子在她周围展开。裙摆浸在河水中,颜色暗了下来。

It was the second question that made it impossible for so long to ask Sethe about the first. Thething that leapt up had been coiled in just such a place: a darkness, a stone, and some other thingthat moved by itself. She went deaf rather than hear the answer, and like the little four o'clocks thatsearched openly for sunlight, then closed themselves tightly when it left, Denver kept watch for thebaby and withdrew from everything else. Until Paul D came. But the damage he did came undonewith the miraculous resurrection of Beloved.
Just ahead, at the edge of the stream, Denver couldsee her silhouette, standing barefoot in the water, liking her black skirts up above her calves, thebeautiful head lowered in rapt attention.
Blinking fresh tears Denver approached her — eager for a word, a sign of forgiveness.
Denver took off her shoes and stepped into the water with her. It took a moment for her to drag hereyes from the spectacle of Beloved's head to see what she was staring at.
A turtle inched along the edge, turned and climbed to dry ground. Not far behind it was anotherone, headed in the same direction. Four placed plates under a hovering motionless bowl. Behindher in the grass the other one moving quickly, quickly to mount her. The impregnable strength ofhim — earthing his feet near her shoulders. The embracing necks — hers stretching up toward hisbending down, the pat pat pat of their touching heads. No height was beyond her yearning neck,stretched like a finger toward his, risking everything outside the bowl just to touch his face. Thegravity of their shields, clashing, countered and mocked the floating heads touching.
Beloveddropped the folds of her skirt. It spread around her. The hem darkened in the water.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
motionless ['məuʃənlis]


adj. 不动的,静止的

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

impregnable [im'pregnəbl]


adj. 无法攻取的,要塞坚固的,难攻陷的

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

turtle ['tə:tl]


n. 海龟

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,





