Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Mike thought that without _______, Christmas didn't seem special.
a) presents
b) Santa
2) Mike made a discovery in _______.
a) the pantry
b) therapy
3) Mike found _______ labeled as being from Santa.
a) cereal
b) presents
Topic:Do you believe in Santa as a kid?
Hello, my name is Mike from Canada, and this is for elllo.org. The question is: "Did you believe in Santa as a kid?". Yes, I did believe in Santa as a kid. And, although I had my suspicions, I wanted to believe in Santa because without Santa, Christmas doesn't seem special. But one unfortunate Christmas, about a week before Christmas Day, I was in the pantry looking for cereal, and I stumbled upon a number of pre-wrapped presents labeled "From Santa". This basically shattered all my dreams, and from then on it's been a downward spiral.
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