Russian lawmakers want to fly to Washington to sway Syria decision
Russian lawmakers have a message for their American counterparts in Congress, and they want to deliver it in person: 'don't attack Syria.' Meeting with President Vladimir Putin, senior lawmaker Valentina Matviyenko told him delegations of lawmakers are ready to board a flight Washington.
俄罗斯立法者向美国国会传递了一条信息,希望能够亲自传达:“不要攻击叙利亚Valentina Matviyenko)表示,立法者代表团已经准备登上飞往华盛顿的航班 。 。”与总统普京会面时,高级立法者瓦伦蒂娜·马特维延科(
SOUNDBITE: SPEAKER OF FEDERATION COUNCIL VALENTINA MATVIYENKO SAYING: "I think if we were able to establish a dialogue with our partners in the U.S. Congress, to exchange opinions, facts, we could possibly understand each other better. We hope that the U.S. Congress will take a balanced position in the end and, without strong arguments in place, and we see today that the arguments don't really exist - Congress probably won't support plans to use force in Syria."
俄联邦委员会主席瓦伦蒂娜·马特维延科(Valentina Matviyenko):“我认为,如果我们能够与美国国会同僚开展对话,交换意见和现实,我们将能够更好地互相理解 。我们希望,美国国会最终能够采取比较平衡的立场,不要进行激烈的争论,我们今天看到,争论并不真正存在——国会可能也不支持对叙利亚动武 。”
Congress is due to vote on whether to carry out a military strike on Syria just days after the Obama administration says it confirmed that Syrian forces used sarin gas to kill more than 1,400 people. Russia has so far, been dismissive of these findings. What influence Russian legislators might have is unclear. What is clear is that Obama's bid to gain support from congress will be more challenging now in the wake of the British parliament rejection of David Cameron's push for an attack.
奥巴马政府表示,他们确认叙利亚军队使用沙林毒气杀害了1,400多名平民几天之后,国会即将投票决定是否对叙利亚采取军事打击 。目前,俄罗斯否认美国得出的结论 。俄罗斯立法者能够对美国国会产生什么影响并不明确 。明确的一点是,英国议会拒绝了卡梅伦首相对叙利亚动武的提议后,奥巴马向国会寻求支持的过程将更具挑战性 。
Mandela out of hospital
The streets outside Nelson Mandela's Johannesburg home appeared quiet on Monday but passers-by were relieved at the news he's out of hospital.
周一,南非前总统位于约翰内斯堡住宅外的街道上一片寂静,但是过往行人得知他出院的消息非常欣慰 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) LOCAL RESIDENT FELLY THSEBENGU SAYING: "We are just very happy, you know, Mandela is a hero and all the country was in prayer, praying for the man to be right.
当地居民FELLY THSEBENGU说:“我们非常高兴,你知道,曼德拉是一位英雄,全国人民都在祈祷,祈祷他康复 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (English) LOCAL RESIDENT MOSEMKULI MABASO SAYING: "I'm very happy because he spent a long time in hospital."
当地居民MOSEMKULI MABASO说:“我很高兴,因为他已经住院很久了 。”
Newspaper headlines trumpeted the former president's departure from hospital after three months with a recurring lung infection. But the man elected South Africa's first black president isn't in the clear yet. Even at home he still needs intensive care. His condition is said to remain critical and at times unstable.
报纸头条庆祝前总统出院 。曼德拉因为肺部感染复发已经在医院度过了漫长的三个月 。但是这位南非第一位黑人总统并没有完全康复 。即使在家中,他仍需要严密护理 。据称,他的健康状况仍然非常危急,有时不是很稳定 。
Dozens hurt by Tokyo tornado
日本龙卷风袭击东京 数十人受伤
A tornado brings chaos to the Tokyo belt cities of Koshigaya and Noda. At least 27 people have been injured. Local tv footage shows the severity of the damage left behind in Koshigaya. Some buildings have been reduced to piles of debris. Violent wind bursts have been spotted before in the suburban flatlands surrounding Tokyo. Rarely do they bring such destructive force to large areas of residential neighbourhoods.
东京越谷市和野田市遭遇龙卷风袭击,陷入一片混乱的景象 。至少27人受伤 。当地电视画面显示,越谷市严重受损 。一些建筑被夷为平地 。东京周边郊区的平原观察到狂风骤起 。龙卷风很少对居民区大范围地区造成如此破坏性的灾难 。