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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第8章Part 3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Early one morning, vanquished by the unbearable pain of repressed virility, he went to Catarino's. He found a woman with flaccid breasts, affectionate and cheap, who calmed his stomach for some time. He tried to apply the treatment of disdain to Amaranta. He would see her on the porch working at the sewing machine, which she had learned to operate with admirable skill, and he would not even speak to her. Amaranta felt freed of a reef, and she herself did not understand why she started thinking again at that time about Colonel Gerineldo Márquez, why she remembered with such nostalgia the afternoons of Chinese checkers, and why she even desired him as the man in her bedroom. Aureli-ano, José did not realize how much ground he had lost on, the night he could no longer bear the farce of indifference and went back to Amaranta's room. She rejected him with an inflexible and unmistakable determination, and she barred the door of her bedroom forever.

有一天清晨,他因欲望没有得到满足而觉得难受,就到卡塔林诺游艺场去。他在那儿找了一个廉价、温柔、乳房下垂的女人,这女人暂时缓和了他的苦恼。现在,他想用假装的轻蔑未制服阿玛兰塔了,他走过长廊时,看见她在缝纫机上异常灵巧地干活,他连一句话也没跟她说。阿玛兰塔觉得如释重负,她自己也不明白怎么回事,突然下新想到了格休列尔多·马克斯上校,怀念起了晚间下棋的情景,她甚至希望在自己的卧宗里看见上校了。奥雷连诺。 霍塞没有料到,由于自己错误的策略,他失去了许多机会。有一大夜里,他再也不能扮演无所谓的角色了,就来到了阿玛兰塔的房间。她怀着不可动摇的决心拒绝了他,永远门上了门。
A few months after the return of Aureli-ano José an exuberant woman perfumed with jasmine appeared at the house with a boy of five. She stated that he was the son of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía and that she had brought him to úrsula to be baptized. No one doubted the origins of that nameless child: he looked exactly like the colonel at the time he was taken to see ice for the first time. The woman said that he had been born with his eyes open, looking at people with the judgment of an adult, and that she was frightened by his way of staring at things without blinking. "He's identical," úrsula said. "The only thing missing is for him to make chairs rock by simply looking at them." They christened him Aureli-ano and with his mother's last name, since the law did not permit a person to bear his father's name until he had recognized him. General was the godfather. Although Amaranta insisted that he be left so that she could take over his upbringing, his mother was against it. úrsula at that time did not know about the custom of sending virgins to the bedrooms of soldiers in the same way that hens are turned loose with fine roosters, but in the course of that year she found out: nine more sons of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía were brought to the house to be baptized. The oldest, a strange dark boy with green eyes, who was not at all like his father's family, was over ten years old. They brought children of all ages, all colors, but all males and all with a look of solitude that left no doubt as to the relationship. Only two stood out in the group. One, large for his age, made smithereens out of the flowerpots and china because his hands seemed to have the property of breaking everything they touched. The other was a blond boy with the same light eyes as his mother, whose hair had been left to grow long and curly like that of a woman. He entered the house with a great deal of familiarity, as if he had been raised there, and he went directly to a chest in úrsula's bedroom and demanded, "I want the mechanical ballerina." úrsula was startled. She opened the chest, searched among the ancient and dusty articles left from the days of Melquíades, and wrapped in a pair of stockings she found the mechanical ballerina that Pietro Crespi had brought to the house once and that everyone had forgotten about. In less than twelve years they baptized with the name Aureli-ano and the last name of the mother all the sons that the colonel had implanted up and down his theater of war: seven-teen. At first úrsula would fill their pockets with money and Amaranta tried to have them stay. But they finally limited themselves to giving them presents and serving as godmothers. "We've done our duty by baptizing them," úrsula would say, jotting down in a ledger the name and address of the mother and the place and date of birth of the child. "Aureli-ano needs well-kept accounts so that he can decide things when he comes back." During lunch, commenting with General about that disconcerting proliferation, she expressed the desire for Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía to come back someday and gather all of his sons together in the house.奥雷连诺。霍寒回来之后过了几个月,一个身姿优美、发出茉莉花香的女人来到马孔多乌苏娜家里,还带来了一个约莫五岁购孩子,女人说这孩子是奥雷连诺上校的儿子,希望乌苏娜给他命名。这无名孩子的出身没有引起仟何人的怀疑:他正象当年第一次去参观冰块的上校。女人说,孩子是张开眼睛出世的,而且带者成年人的神情观察周围的人,他一眨不眨地凝视东西的习惯,叫她感到惊异。“跟他父亲一模一样,”乌苏娜说。“只差一点:他的父亲只要用眼睛一瞧,椅了就会自己移动。”孩子给命名为奥雷连诺,随母亲的姓,——根据法律,他不能随父亲的姓。除非父亲承认他。教父是蒙卡达将军。阿玛兰塔要术把孩子留给她抚养,可是孩子的母亲不同意。就象拿母鸡跟良种公鸡交配一样,让姑娘去跟著名的军人睡觉,这种风习是乌苏娜从没听说过的,们在这一年中,她坚决相信确有这种风习,因为奥雷连诺上校的其他九个儿子也送来请她命名。其中母大的已经超过十岁,是个黑发、绿眼的古怪孩子,一点也不象父亲。送来的孩子有各种年龄的,各种肤色的,然而总是男孩,全部显得那么孤僻,那就无可怀疑他们和布恩蒂亚家的血统关系了。在一连中该子中,乌苏娜记住的只有两个。一个高大得跟年岁不相称的小孩儿,把她的一些花瓶和若下碟子变成了一堆碎片。因为他的手似乎具有碰到什么就粉碎什么的特性。另一个是金发孩子,氏着母亲那样的灰蓝色眼睛,姑娘一般的长鬃发。他毫不腼腆地走进房来,仿佛熟悉这里的一切,好象他是在这里长大的,径直走到乌苏哪卧室里的一个柜子跟前,说:“我要自动芭蕾舞女演员,”乌苏娜甚至吓了一跳。她打开柜子,在梅尔加德斯时期留下的、乱七八糟的、沾满尘土的东西中间翻寻了一阵,找到了一双旧长袜裹着的芭蕾裤女演员——这是皮埃特罗·克列斯比有一次拿来的,大家早就把它给忘了,不过十二年工夫,奥雷连诺在南征北战中跟一些女人个在各地的儿子——十七个儿子——都取了奥雷连诺这个名字,都随自己母亲的姓。最初,乌苏娜给他们的衣兜都塞满了钱,而阿玛兰塔总想把孩了留给自己,可是后来,乌苏娜和阿玛兰塔都只送点礼品,充当教母了。“咱们给他们命了名,就尽了责啦,”乌苏娜一面说,一面把每个母亲的姓名和住址、怯子出小的日期和地点记在一本专用册千里。“奥雷连诺应当有一本完整的账,因为他回来以后就得决定孩子们的命运。”在一次午餐中间,乌苏娜跟蒙卡达将军谈论这种引起担忧的繁殖力时,希望奥雷迁诺上校有朝一日能够回来,把他所有的儿子都聚到一座房了里。
"Don't worry, dear friend," General said enigmatically. "He'll come sooner than you suspect."“您不必操心,大娘,”蒙卡达将军神秘地回答。“他会比您预料的回来得早。”
What General knew and what he did not wish to reveal at lunch was that Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía was already on his way to head up the most prolonged, radical, and bloody rebellion of all those he had started up till then.蒙卡达将军知道一个秘密,不愿在午餐时透露,那就是奥雷连诺上校已在回国的路上,准备领导最长久的、最坚决的、最血腥的起义,一切都超过他迄今发动过的那些起义。

Early one morning, vanquished by the unbearable pain of repressed virility, he went to Catarino's. He found a woman with flaccid breasts, affectionate and cheap, who calmed his stomach for some time. He tried to apply the treatment of disdain to Amaranta. He would see her on the porch working at the sewing machine, which she had learned to operate with admirable skill, and he would not even speak to her. Amaranta felt freed of a reef, and she herself did not understand why she started thinking again at that time about Colonel Gerineldo Márquez, why she remembered with such nostalgia the afternoons of Chinese checkers, and why she even desired him as the man in her bedroom. Aureli-ano, José did not realize how much ground he had lost on, the night he could no longer bear the farce of indifference and went back to Amaranta's room. She rejected him with an inflexible and unmistakable determination, and she barred the door of her bedroom forever.
A few months after the return of Aureli-ano José an exuberant woman perfumed with jasmine appeared at the house with a boy of five. She stated that he was the son of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía and that she had brought him to úrsula to be baptized. No one doubted the origins of that nameless child: he looked exactly like the colonel at the time he was taken to see ice for the first time. The woman said that he had been born with his eyes open, looking at people with the judgment of an adult, and that she was frightened by his way of staring at things without blinking. "He's identical," úrsula said. "The only thing missing is for him to make chairs rock by simply looking at them." They christened him Aureli-ano and with his mother's last name, since the law did not permit a person to bear his father's name until he had recognized him. General was the godfather. Although Amaranta insisted that he be left so that she could take over his upbringing, his mother was against it. úrsula at that time did not know about the custom of sending virgins to the bedrooms of soldiers in the same way that hens are turned loose with fine roosters, but in the course of that year she found out: nine more sons of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía were brought to the house to be baptized. The oldest, a strange dark boy with green eyes, who was not at all like his father's family, was over ten years old. They brought children of all ages, all colors, but all males and all with a look of solitude that left no doubt as to the relationship. Only two stood out in the group. One, large for his age, made smithereens out of the flowerpots and china because his hands seemed to have the property of breaking everything they touched. The other was a blond boy with the same light eyes as his mother, whose hair had been left to grow long and curly like that of a woman. He entered the house with a great deal of familiarity, as if he had been raised there, and he went directly to a chest in úrsula's bedroom and demanded, "I want the mechanical ballerina." úrsula was startled. She opened the chest, searched among the ancient and dusty articles left from the days of Melquíades, and wrapped in a pair of stockings she found the mechanical ballerina that Pietro Crespi had brought to the house once and that everyone had forgotten about. In less than twelve years they baptized with the name Aureli-ano and the last name of the mother all the sons that the colonel had implanted up and down his theater of war: seven-teen. At first úrsula would fill their pockets with money and Amaranta tried to have them stay. But they finally limited themselves to giving them presents and serving as godmothers. "We've done our duty by baptizing them," úrsula would say, jotting down in a ledger the name and address of the mother and the place and date of birth of the child. "Aureli-ano needs well-kept accounts so that he can decide things when he comes back." During lunch, commenting with General about that disconcerting proliferation, she expressed the desire for Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía to come back someday and gather all of his sons together in the house.
"Don't worry, dear friend," General said enigmatically. "He'll come sooner than you suspect."
What General knew and what he did not wish to reveal at lunch was that Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía was already on his way to head up the most prolonged, radical, and bloody rebellion of all those he had started up till then.

有一天清晨,他因欲望没有得到满足而觉得难受,就到卡塔林诺游艺场去。他在那儿找了一个廉价、温柔、乳房下垂的女人,这女人暂时缓和了他的苦恼。现在,他想用假装的轻蔑未制服阿玛兰塔了,他走过长廊时,看见她在缝纫机上异常灵巧地干活,他连一句话也没跟她说。阿玛兰塔觉得如释重负,她自己也不明白怎么回事,突然下新想到了格休列尔多·马克斯上校,怀念起了晚间下棋的情景,她甚至希望在自己的卧宗里看见上校了。奥雷连诺。 霍塞没有料到,由于自己错误的策略,他失去了许多机会。有一大夜里,他再也不能扮演无所谓的角色了,就来到了阿玛兰塔的房间。她怀着不可动摇的决心拒绝了他,永远门上了门。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
mechanical [mi'kænikəl]


adj. 机械的,力学的,呆板的
n. (供制

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

inflexible [in'fleksəbl]


adj. 不可弯曲的,僵硬的,顽固的,不可改变的,不容变

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<

exuberant [ig'zju:bərənt]


adj. 繁茂的,丰富的,充满活力的

reveal [ri'vi:l]


vt. 显示,透露
n. (外墙与门或窗之间的

radical ['rædikəl]


adj. 激进的,基本的,彻底的
n. 激进分

permit ['pə:mit,pə'mit]


n. 许可证,执照
v. 允许,许可

disdain [dis'dein]


n. 轻蔑
v. 蔑视

admirable ['ædmərəbl]


adj. 令人钦佩的,令人赞赏的





