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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第4章Part 6

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Looks like the devil," said Amy. "But you made it through.Come down here, Jesus, Lu made it through. That's because of me. I'm good at sick things. Canyou walk, you think?"“看起来糟透了,”爱弥说,“不过你挺过来了。来瞧瞧吧,耶稣,露挺过来了。那是因为我。我多会治病啊。你觉得能走吗?”
"I have to let my water some kind of way."“怎么着我也得去放点水。”
"Let's see you walk on em."“咱们来瞧瞧你的脚走路吧。”
It was not good, but it was possible, so Sethe limped, holding on first to Amy, then to a sapling.并不太好,却已经可能了,于是塞丝一瘸一拐地走起来,先是扶着爱弥,然后是拄着一棵小树。
"Was me did it. I'm good at sick things ain't I?"“是我干的。我治病挺在行,是不是?”
"Yeah," said Sethe, "you good."“是的,”塞丝说,“你真棒。”
"We got to get off this here hill. Come on. I'll take you down to the river. That ought to suit you.Me, I'm going to the Pike. Take me straight to Boston. What's that all over your dress?"“我们得下山了。走吧。我把你带到山下的河边。那就跟你对路了。我嘛,我得到派克去。那里直通波士顿。你这满身都是些什么呀?”
"You one mess."“你真是一塌糊涂。”
Sethe looked down at her stomach and touched it. The baby was dead. She had not died in thenight, but the baby had. If that was the case, then there was no stopping now. She would get thatmilk to her baby girl if she had to swim.塞丝低头看着自己的肚子,摸了摸。孩子死了。她没死在夜里,可孩子死了。如果真是那样,现在就更不能停下来了。就是游过去,她也得把奶水带给她的小女儿。
"Ain't you hungry?" Amy asked her.“你不饿吗?”爱弥问她。
"I ain't nothing but in a hurry, miss."“我只想赶路,小姐。”
"Whoa. Slow down. Want some shoes?"“哇。慢点。想穿鞋吗?”
"Say what?"“你说什么?”
"I figured how," said Amy and so she had. She tore two pieces from Sethe's shawl, filled them withleaves and tied them over her feet, chattering all the while.“我想想办法。”爱弥说着,然后就想出了个主意。她从塞丝的披肩上撕下两片,包上树叶,绑在她的脚上,同时一直说个不停。
"How old are you, Lu? I been bleeding for four years but I ain't having nobody's baby. Won't catch me sweating milk cause..."“你多大了,露?我都流了四年血了,可还没怀上谁的孩子。你根本看不见我淌奶水,因为……”
"I know," said Sethe. "You going to Boston."“我知道,”塞丝说,“你要去波士顿。”
At noon they saw it; then they were near enough to hear it. By late afternoon they could drink fromit if they wanted to. Four stars were visible by the time they found, not a riverboat to stow Setheaway on, or a ferryman willing to take on a fugitive passenger — nothing like that — but a wholeboat to steal. It had one oar, lots of holes and two bird nests.正午时分她们看见了那条河;然后她们走得更近,听见了奔流的水声。到傍晚她们就能喝上它的水了,如果愿意的话。四颗星星在空中闪现;这时候她们发现没有一条船能把塞丝运走,也没有一个摆渡的愿意搭载一个逃犯———没有比那更要命的了———可是有一整条船可以偷。这条船有一支桨、许多窟窿,以及两个鸟巢。
"There you go, Lu. Jesus looking at you."“你可以走了,露。耶稣瞧着你呢。”

"Looks like the devil," said Amy. "But you made it through.Come down here, Jesus, Lu made it through. That's because of me. I'm good at sick things. Canyou walk, you think?"
"I have to let my water some kind of way."
"Let's see you walk on em."
It was not good, but it was possible, so Sethe limped, holding on first to Amy, then to a sapling.
"Was me did it. I'm good at sick things ain't I?"
"Yeah," said Sethe, "you good."
"We got to get off this here hill. Come on. I'll take you down to the river. That ought to suit you.Me, I'm going to the Pike. Take me straight to Boston. What's that all over your dress?"
"You one mess."
Sethe looked down at her stomach and touched it. The baby was dead. She had not died in thenight, but the baby had. If that was the case, then there was no stopping now. She would get thatmilk to her baby girl if she had to swim.
"Ain't you hungry?" Amy asked her.
"I ain't nothing but in a hurry, miss."
"Whoa. Slow down. Want some shoes?"
"Say what?"
"I figured how," said Amy and so she had. She tore two pieces from Sethe's shawl, filled them withleaves and tied them over her feet, chattering all the while.
"How old are you, Lu? I been bleeding for four years but I ain't having nobody's baby. Won't catch me sweating milk cause..."
"I know," said Sethe. "You going to Boston."
At noon they saw it; then they were near enough to hear it. By late afternoon they could drink fromit if they wanted to. Four stars were visible by the time they found, not a riverboat to stow Setheaway on, or a ferryman willing to take on a fugitive passenger — nothing like that — but a wholeboat to steal. It had one oar, lots of holes and two bird nests.
"There you go, Lu. Jesus looking at you."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

bleeding ['bli:diŋ]


n. 出血;渗色 adj. 流血的;同情的 v. 出血;





