1. 【语意表述】某人言语中肯,说话有依有据,有道理。
【句型模板】Somebody has a point.
【指点迷津】此句型用到这个短语have a point来表示“中肯,有道理”。
【句型操练】I know you have a point there, but different people have different tastes.
【句型出处】She may even have a point.她还是有理有据的
2. 【语意表述】某人在某种眼中看来好像......
【句型模板】It seems to somebody+adj.+主语从句。
【句型操练】It seems to me prospected that they can make a match between John and Mary.
【句型出处】But it does not seem to me realistic.(只是在我看来不太实际。)
3. 【语意表述】某人告诫某人不要再做某事了。
【句型模板】Somebody puts an end to something.
【指点迷津】此句型用到put an end to something,直接翻译是“让某事到头了”,这里可以理解为“结束某事,不要在做某事”。例如:
I tried to put an end to their dispute,but suddenly I found myself between two fires.(我本来想使他们不要争执下去,可是竟然受到他们两方面的夹击。)
They were obliged to put an end to such an expectation.(她们不得不打消这种希望。)
【句型操练1】We must put an end to the pointless conflict.
【句型操练2】I'll kill her now, and put an end to my misery.
【句型出处】I am your Put an end to her meddling.(别再让她多嘴了。)
4. 【语意表述】某人踢走某人,除掉某人,干掉某人。
【句型模板】Somebody gets rid of someone.
【指点迷津】此句型用到get rid of这个短语,其意思是:摆脱,出去。例如:
I have rather a bad cough that I can't get rid of. 我咳嗽得相当厉害,老也不好。
【句型操练】He hoped in this way to get rid of the troublesome prisoner.
【句型操练2】If you have to, do get rid of her.
【句型出处】I am the president and I say get rid of her.(我是院长,我命令你别再让她插手了。)