讲座 片段选自《恋爱学分》 Starter For Ten 52:40-53:42
Professor: "My heart aches and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk or emptied some dull opiate to the drains." Brian, Stay on afterwards, will you? "One minute passed, and Lethe-ward shad sunk." Are you experiencing emotional problems?
Brain: Emotional problems?
Professor: Affairs of the heart, anxieties of a romantic or perhaps sexual nature? And believe me, Brian, I am finding this at least as embarrassing as you are.
Brain: What makes you ask?
Professor: Well, when I interviewed you a year ago now, you struck me as being a particularly passionate young man, a little incoherent, maybe a little gauche. Is that fair, do you think?
Brain: Go on.
Professor: But you also seemed to have a sincere passion for knowledge that's missing from some of our, what shall we say, some of our more privileged students. And that's why I was happy to offer you a place because I knew that you had actually fought for it.