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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第2章Part 13

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
It took three days for Beloved to notice the orange patches in the darkness of the quilt. Denver waspleased because it kept her patient awake longer. She seemed totally taken with those faded scrapsof orange, even made the effort to lean on her elbow and stroke them. An effort that quicklyexhausted her, so Denver rearranged the quilt so its cheeriest part was in the sick girl's sight line.宠儿花了三天时间才注意到暗色被子上的橙色补丁。丹芙非常满意,因为这使她的病人醒的时间更长。她似乎完全被那褪了色的橙红色碎片吸引住了,甚至费劲地靠胳膊肘支撑着身体,去抚摩它们。这很快使她疲惫不堪,于是丹芙重新安排好被子,让它最有活力的那部分留在病姑娘的视线里。
Patience, something Denver had never known, overtook her. As long as her mother did notinterfere, she was a model of compassion, turning waspish, though, when Sethe tried to help.耐心,这丹芙闻所未闻的东西,占据了她。只要她的妈妈不来干涉,她就是个同情体贴的楷模,可是一旦塞丝企图帮点忙,她就立即变得暴躁起来。
"Did she take a spoonful of anything today?" Sethe inquired.“她今天吃了什么东西吗?”塞丝询问道。
"She shouldn't eat with cholera."“她得了霍乱,不该吃东西。”
"You sure that's it? Was just a hunch of Paul D's."“你能肯定吗?只不过是保罗?D瞎猜的。”
"I don't know, but she shouldn't eat anyway just yet."“我不知道,可不管怎么说,她现在就是不该吃东西。”
"I think cholera people puke all the time."“我以为得霍乱的人什么时候都在呕吐。”
"That's even more reason, ain't it?"“那不吃就更有理由了,对吧?”
"Well she shouldn't starve to death either, Denver."“可她也不该活活饿死呀,丹芙。”
"Leave us alone, Ma'am. I'm taking care of her."“甭管我们,太太。我在照看她。”
"She say anything?"“她说过什么吗?”
"I'd let you know if she did."“她说了我会告诉你的。”
Sethe looked at her daughter and thought, Yes, she has been lonesome. Very lonesome.塞丝看着女儿,心想:是的,她一直孤独。非常孤独。
"Wonder where Here Boy got off to?" Sethe thought a change of subject was needed.“奇怪,‘来,小鬼’到哪儿去了?”塞丝认为有必要换个话题。
"He won't be back," said Denver.“它不会回来了。”丹芙说。
"How you know?"“你怎么知道的?”
"I just know." Denver took a square of sweet bread off the plate.“我就知道。”丹芙从盘子里拿起一块甜面包。
Back in the keeping room,Denver was about to sit down when Beloved's eyes flew wide open. Denver felt her heart race. Itwasn't that she was looking at that face for the first time with no trace of sleep in it, or that the eyeswere big and black. Nor was it that the whites of them were much too white — blue-white. It wasthat deep down in those big black eyes there was no expression at all.丹芙回到起居室,刚要坐下,宠儿的眼睛一下子睁圆了。丹芙感到心跳加快。倒不是因为她头一回看见这张脸睡意全无,也不是因为那双眼睛又大又黑,也不是因为眼白过分地白———白得发蓝。是因为在那双又大又黑的眼睛深处根本没有表情。
"Can I get you something?"“我能给你拿点什么吗?”

It took three days for Beloved to notice the orange patches in the darkness of the quilt. Denver waspleased because it kept her patient awake longer. She seemed totally taken with those faded scrapsof orange, even made the effort to lean on her elbow and stroke them. An effort that quicklyexhausted her, so Denver rearranged the quilt so its cheeriest part was in the sick girl's sight line.
Patience, something Denver had never known, overtook her. As long as her mother did notinterfere, she was a model of compassion, turning waspish, though, when Sethe tried to help.
"Did she take a spoonful of anything today?" Sethe inquired.
"She shouldn't eat with cholera."
"You sure that's it? Was just a hunch of Paul D's."
"I don't know, but she shouldn't eat anyway just yet."
"I think cholera people puke all the time."
"That's even more reason, ain't it?"
"Well she shouldn't starve to death either, Denver."
"Leave us alone, Ma'am. I'm taking care of her."
"She say anything?"
"I'd let you know if she did."
Sethe looked at her daughter and thought, Yes, she has been lonesome. Very lonesome.
"Wonder where Here Boy got off to?" Sethe thought a change of subject was needed.
"He won't be back," said Denver.
"How you know?"
"I just know." Denver took a square of sweet bread off the plate.
Back in the keeping room,Denver was about to sit down when Beloved's eyes flew wide open. Denver felt her heart race. Itwasn't that she was looking at that face for the first time with no trace of sleep in it, or that the eyeswere big and black. Nor was it that the whites of them were much too white — blue-white. It wasthat deep down in those big black eyes there was no expression at all.
"Can I get you something?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hunch [hʌntʃ]


n. 肉峰,预感,块 v. 弯腰驼背,弓起背部,耸肩

starve [stɑ:v]


vi. 挨饿,受饿,(将要)饿死
vt. 使挨

trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

elbow ['elbəu]


n. 手肘,急弯,扶手
v. 用手肘推开,推挤

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,

compassion [kəm'pæʃən]


n. 同情,怜悯

quilt [kwilt]


n. 被子,被状物
vt. 缝被,缝制,用垫料





