1. 语意表述:某种情况显示出......
套用句型:Something points to something.
指点迷津:此处用到point to这个短语,它的基本意思是“指向”,引申为“意味着......”。例如:
Critics point to the continuing instability of the company. 评论家们强调公司的形势继续不稳。
句型操练:Her remarks points to her hard study.
句型出处:Everything points to the heart.
2. 语意表述:询问发生在某人身上的情况将是怎样的。
套用句型:What will happen to somebody?
句型操练:He cannot still stand on his own feet. What will happen to him if his parents pass away.
句型出处:What will happen to his wife?
3. 语意表述:某人需要做事。
套用句型:Somebody needs to have an occupation.
指点迷津:此处是用have an occupation来表示“做事,有工作”的意思。
套用句型:You must have an occupation or else you might feel boring.
句型出处:If I'm to live in this village, I must have an occupation.
4. 语意表述:某人是有价值存在的,是有用的,能帮得上忙的。
套用句型:Somebody is helpful.
句型操练:You may turn on your parents and they would be helpful to you.
句型出处:Please. Let me be useful.
5. 语意表述:某件事情让人非常激动,兴奋。
套用句型:It is a case of warship and drum.
句型出处:I'm afraid it's a case of the warhorse and the drum.