1. 语意表述:某人愿意做某事。
套用句型:Somebody is willing to do something.
指点迷津:此处用到“be willing to”这个短语结构表示“愿意做......”,相当于“would love to do something”。
句型操练:I am willing to go to the cinema with you, but it is pity that I will have a date with my boyfriend.
句型出处:Granny and I are willing to try.
2. 语意表述:询问别人对一个人的感觉如何,例如外貌,素质,修养,气质等。
套用句型:What is somebody like?
句型操练:What is your new English teacher?
句型出处:So What are they like?
3. 语意表述:某人很自信,但自信过了头,变成了自负,自以为是,自以为了不起,显得傲慢。
套用句型:Somebody is full of oneself.
句型操练:My classmate named Mary is the teacher’s pet so that she is full of herself.
句型出处:She's nice enough, but he's very full of himself.
4. 语意表述:某人自行判断,做决定。
套用句型:Somebody decides for himself.
指点迷津:此处用到decide for oneself这个短语来表示“自己决定,自行判断”的意思。
句型操练:Let our kids decide for themselves whether to go to Oxford University or Cambridge University.
句型出处:Let's go down and you can decide for yourself.
5. 语意表述:很荣幸做某事。
套用句型:It is a pleasure to do something.
句型操练:It is a pleasure to take part in your party.
句型出处:It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs Crawley.
6. 语意表述:说明某人的重要性,没有他很多事情解决不了或者很难应付。
套用句型:Somebody would all be lost without him.
句型操练:All of use would be lost without a experienced teacher.
句型出处:This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him.