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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第2章Part 4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Ain't much. River mostly. And hogs.""Well, I never worked on water, but I can pick up anything heavy as me, hogs included.""Whitepeople better here than Kentucky but you may have to scramble some.""It ain't whether I scramble; it's where. You saying it's all right to scramble here?""Better than all right.""Your girl, Denver. Seems to me she's of a different mind." "Why you say that?""She's got a waiting way about her. Something she's expecting and it ain't me.""I don't know what it could be.""Well, whatever it is, she believes I'm interrupting it.""Don't worry about her. She's a charmed child. From the beginning.""Is that right?""Uh huh. Nothing bad can happen to her. Look at it. Everybody I knew dead or gone or dead andgone. Not her. Not my Denver. Even when I was carrying her, when it got clear that I wasn't goingto make it — which meant she wasn't going to make it either — she pulled a whitegirl out of thehill. The last thing you'd expect to help. And when the schoolteacher found us and came busting inhere with the law and a shotgun — ""Schoolteacher found you?""Took a while, but he did. Finally.""And he didn't take you back?""Oh, no. I wasn't going back there. I don't care who found who. Any life but not that one. I went tojail instead. Denver was just a baby so she went right along with me. Rats bit everything in therebut her."Paul D turned away. He wanted to know more about it, but jail talk put him back in Alfred,Georgia.“没多少可干的。主要是河。还有猪。”“嗯,我从来没干过水上的活儿,可是所有跟我一样沉的东西我都搬得动,猪也不在话下。”“这儿的白人比肯塔基的强,可你还是得将就点。”“问题不是我将不将就,是在哪儿将就。你是说在这儿还行?”“比还行要好。”“你那闺女,丹芙。我看她的脑袋瓜有点特别。”“你干吗这么说?”“她老像在等什么似的。她在盼着什么,可那不是我。”“我不知道那能是什么。”“唉,不管是什么,她认为我挺碍事的。”“别为她操心了。她是个乖孩子。从小就是。”“是这样吗?”“哎。她就是不会出事。你看哪。我认识的所有人都死了,去了,死去了。她就没事。我的丹芙就没事。就是在我怀着她的时候,我明显地不行了———就是说她也不行了———可她从山里拉来一个白人姑娘。你再也想不到的帮助。后来‘学校老师’找到了我们,带着法律和枪追到这儿来———”“‘学校老师’找着你了?”“费了会儿工夫,但他还是找着了。终于找着了。”“可他没把你带回去?”“噢,没有。我可不回去。我才不管是谁找着了谁。哪种生活都行,就是那种不行。我进了监狱。丹芙还是个娃娃,所以跟我一起进去了。那儿的耗子什么都咬,就是不咬她。”保罗·D扭过身去。他倒想多知道一些,可是说起监狱,他又回到了佐治亚的阿尔弗雷德。
"I need some nails. Anybody around here I can borrow from or should I go to town?""May as well go to town. You'll need other things."One night and they were talking like a couple. They had skipped love and promise and wentdirectly to "You saying it's all right to scramble here?"To Sethe, the future was a matter of keeping the past at bay. The "better life" she believed she andDenver were living was simply not that other one.“我需要一些钉子。附近谁能借给我,还是我该进城一趟?”“不如进城吧。你可能还需要点别的东西。”一夜过去,他们已经像夫妻一样谈话了。他们跳过了爱情和誓言而直接到了:“你是说在这儿将就还行?”在塞丝看来,未来就是将过去留在绝境。她为自己和丹芙认定的“更好的生活”绝对不能是那另一种。
The fact that Paul D had come out of "that other one" into her bed was better too; and the notion ofa future with him, or for that matter without him, was beginning to stroke her mind. As for Denver, the job Sethe had of keeping her from the past that was still waiting for her was all that mattered.保罗·D从“那另一种”来到她的床上,这也是一种更好的生活;是与他共享未来,还是因此拒绝他,这想法开始撩拨她的心。至于丹芙,塞丝有责任让她远离仍在那里等着她的过去,这是唯一至关重要的。
PLEASANTLY TROUBLED, Sethe avoided the keeping room and Denver's sidelong looks. Asshe expected, since life was like that — it didn't do any good. Denver ran a mighty interferenceand on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.既愉快又为难,塞丝回避着起居室和丹芙的斜眼。正如她所料,既然生活就是这样———这个做法也根本不灵。丹芙进行了顽强的干涉,并在第三天老实不客气地问保罗·D他还要在这儿混多久。
The phrase hurt him so much he missed the table. The coffee cup hit the floor and rolled down thesloping boards toward the front door.这句话伤得他在饭桌上失了手。咖啡杯砸在地上,沿着倾斜的地板滚向前门。

"Ain't much. River mostly. And hogs.""Well, I never worked on water, but I can pick up anything heavy as me, hogs included.""Whitepeople better here than Kentucky but you may have to scramble some.""It ain't whether I scramble; it's where. You saying it's all right to scramble here?""Better than all right.""Your girl, Denver. Seems to me she's of a different mind." "Why you say that?""She's got a waiting way about her. Something she's expecting and it ain't me.""I don't know what it could be.""Well, whatever it is, she believes I'm interrupting it.""Don't worry about her. She's a charmed child. From the beginning.""Is that right?""Uh huh. Nothing bad can happen to her. Look at it. Everybody I knew dead or gone or dead andgone. Not her. Not my Denver. Even when I was carrying her, when it got clear that I wasn't goingto make it — which meant she wasn't going to make it either — she pulled a whitegirl out of thehill. The last thing you'd expect to help. And when the schoolteacher found us and came busting inhere with the law and a shotgun — ""Schoolteacher found you?""Took a while, but he did. Finally.""And he didn't take you back?""Oh, no. I wasn't going back there. I don't care who found who. Any life but not that one. I went tojail instead. Denver was just a baby so she went right along with me. Rats bit everything in therebut her."Paul D turned away. He wanted to know more about it, but jail talk put him back in Alfred,Georgia.
"I need some nails. Anybody around here I can borrow from or should I go to town?""May as well go to town. You'll need other things."One night and they were talking like a couple. They had skipped love and promise and wentdirectly to "You saying it's all right to scramble here?"To Sethe, the future was a matter of keeping the past at bay. The "better life" she believed she andDenver were living was simply not that other one.
The fact that Paul D had come out of "that other one" into her bed was better too; and the notion ofa future with him, or for that matter without him, was beginning to stroke her mind. As for Denver, the job Sethe had of keeping her from the past that was still waiting for her was all that mattered.
PLEASANTLY TROUBLED, Sethe avoided the keeping room and Denver's sidelong looks. Asshe expected, since life was like that — it didn't do any good. Denver ran a mighty interferenceand on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.
The phrase hurt him so much he missed the table. The coffee cup hit the floor and rolled down thesloping boards toward the front door.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

jail [dʒeil]


n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所
vt. 监禁,下狱

mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的

troubled ['trʌbld]


adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,





