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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  1. _____ you ready? (A) Are (B) Have (C) Will (D) Can

  2. ____ here early? (A) Will he (B) Was he (C) Did he be (D) Were he

  3. I ___ happy about the price of eggs. (A) am't (B) am not (C) do not (D) won’t

  4. Since last year I____ him only once.

  (A) have seen (B) have been seeing (C) see (D) was seeing

  5. Donald ___ sixteen tomorrow. (A) is being (B) going to be (C) shall be (D) will be

  6.I ___ the story at all. (A) don't like (B) like(C)am fond of(D) would like

  7.I would rather ___ than play now. (A) to study (B)am studying(C) study(D) studied

  8.I'd rather you ___ anything about it for the time being.

  (A) do (B) didn't do(C)don't (D) didn't

  9.The car___much money.

  (A) not cost (B) not have cost (C) isn't cost (D) didn't cost

  10. I ___ like to eat fish. (A) am (B) have (C) do (D) be

  11. ___ repeat the question?

  (A) Shall I (B) Will I (C) Would you like that I (D) Do you want that I

  12. My teacher knows more than ___.

  (A) my uncle knows (B) my uncle does (C) they know (D) they don't know

  13.He___to meet us at the station, but didn't see us. (A) did go (B) did went (C)goes (D) had

  14.Not only ____us light.

  (A) does the sun give (B) the sun gives (C) gives the sun (D) the sun does give

  15. ____ you tell me what has happened? (A) May (B) Must (C) Can (D) Could

  16. Anne___tomorrow.

  (A) can sing (B) can to sing (C) is going sing (D) going to sing

  17.You___hand it in at once, you may hand it in tomorrow.

  (A) needn't (B) may not (C) can't (D) must not

  18.Tell the boy that he ___ in the river.

  (A) swims (B) swim (C) swimming (D) to swim

  19.Joan___play on Saturday. (A) going to (B) can (C) is going (D) can to

  20.Susan and I can go to the lecture ___. (A) but neither can Charles (B) and so Charies can (C) but Charles can't

  (D) and Charles also can

  21. "That must be a mistake." "No it a mistake."(2)

  (A) must not be (B) needn't be (C) cannot be (D) would not be

  22. You ___ be more careful next time. (A) have to(B) may(C) must(D) had to

  23. I hoped ___ my letter.

  (A) her to answering (B) that she would answer (C) that she answer (D) her answering

  24.What___for you?

  (A) shall I do (B) I may do (C) can I do (D) must I do

  25.___ I water the trees on Tuesday? No, you needn't.

  (A) Can (B) Must (C) May (D) Shall

  26. It is high time that we lunch,

  (A) have (B) had (C) would have (D) will have

  27. You___to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

  (A) needn't to come (B) don't need come (C)don't need coming (D) needn't come

  28. It ___ rain tomorrow. (A) can (B) must (C) should (D) may

  29. I ___finish this before I go.

  (A) must (B) do (C) may (D) shall

  30. The meeting begins at eight o'clock. We ____ be late.

  (A) mustn't (B) needn't (C) may not (D) can not

  31. ___ you be here at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?

  (A) Would (B)Should (C) Can (D) Could

  32. It ___ be difficult to learn Japanese.

  (A) shall (B) must (C) should (D) need

  33. ___ I have a talk with the Party Secretary now?

  (A) Will (B) Did (C) May (D) Can

  34. "Did your brother break the window?" "He ___ have done it."

  (A) will not (B) is (C) may (D) can

  35. May we in the halls?

  (A) smoke (B) will smoke (C) to smoke (D) smoking

  36. I'm not sure that I'll go to the concert. I ___ go.

  (A) may (B) did (C) did not (D) am

  37. Since it is already midnight, ___.

  (A) had better leaving (B) ought to have leave (C) should take our leave

  (D) might as well leave

  38. She doesn't answer the doorbell. She___be asleep.

  (A) ought to (B) might (C) must have (D) should

  39. Our teacher had one strict rule. She said that all the students___to class on time.

  (A) came (B) might come (C) must come (D) must have come

  40. ___ I ask your name?

  (A) Can (B) Could (C) Should (D) Might

  41. ____ you be happy!

  (A) May (B) Can (C) Must (D) Would

  42. John studied hard that he___ the examination.

  (A) will pass (B) may pass (C) passes (D) would pass

  43. "Must we come tomorrow?" "___ .”

  (A) No, you can't (B) No, you needn't (C) No, you must (D) No, you may

  44. Must I go with you? No, you ___.

  (A) mustn't (B) can't (C) needn't (D) may not

  45. You____ lesson, though we have it on Thursday.

  (A) mustn't...needn't (B) needn't ...mustn't (C) mustn't...mustn't (D) needn't... needn't

  46. He___ go there.

  (A) dare not (B) dare not (C) dares not to (D) does not dare

  47. "You___read that article if you don’t want to.”

  (A) needn't (B) mustn’t (C)haven't (D) can’t

  48. You___afraid of any difficulties.

  (A) need not to be (B) need not (C) don't need (D) need not be

  49. You___see him, but I must.

  (A) haven't (B) can’t (C) mustn't (D) needn’t

  50. To succeed in a difficult task, ___.

  (A) one needs to work hard (B) to work hard is needed

  (C) you need be a hard-working person

  (D) to work hard is what one needs

  (C) you need be a hard-working person (D) to work hard is what one needs

  51. We shall___hurry if we are going to catch the 12:00 train.

  (A) must (B) need (C) necessary (D) have to

  52. When the storm comes all windows ___.

  (A) ought to close (B) out to be closing (C) ought to be closed (D) ought to closed

  53. It is strange that he ___ so.

  (A) would say (B) would speak (C) should say (D) will speak

  54. 1 think you'd better___his advice and rest for a few days.

  (A) to take (B) taking (C) take (D) took

  55. In case I____ I would try again.

  (A) will fail (B) would miss (C) should fail (D) shall miss

  56. Since the road is wet this morning, ___ last night.

  (A) it must rain (B) it must have rained (C) it must be rained

  (D) it must have been rained

  57. Some people feel that handguns ___ .

  (A) should control (B) should be controlled (C) must be controlling (D) can be control

  58. He asked me if he___open the window.

  (A) shall (B) would (C) will (D) should

  59. ____open the door for you?

  (A) Would you like that I (B) D0 you want that I (C) Will I (D) Shall I

  60. Everyone ___do his best for the modernization of our country.

  (A) can (B) may (C) should (D) had to

  61. You at once.

  (A) had better to go (B) had better go (C) had to go better (D) had better gone

  62. "Do you want me to lend some money?" "I wish you ___. I would pay you back next week.

  (A) should (B) did (C) might (D) would

  63. Look what you've ____ done! You ___ be more careful.

  (A) may (B) should (C) had to (D) would

  64. "Your shirt is dirty, it for you?”

  (A) am I washing (B) am I going to wash (C) will I wash (D) shall I wash

  65. He ___ not pay unless he is punished to pay.

  (A) shall (B) will (C) should (D) would

  66. Even if he has time, he___shopping in town on Sunday.

  (A) won't go (B) will go (C) won't go to (D) doesn't go

  67. If only we work hard, the difficulties ____ overcome.

  (A) will be (B) must be (C) should have (D) have to

  68. I___such a mistake again.

  (A) shall never make (B) will never make (C) can never do (D) need never do

  69. "Will you lend me the book?" "Yes, I___. "

  (A) will (B) shall (C) can (D) may

  70. If I had time___see that new movie at the University Theater.

  (A) I'll (B) I may (C) I shall (D) I'd

  71. I___like to know where you were born.

  (A) shall (B) should (C) could (D) may

  72. I ___ it again.

  (A) would like you to read (B) would like that you read

  (C) would like you reading (D)would like you read

  73. Peter___like to meet Mary.

  (A) does (B) would (C) should (D) had

  74. I me what happened.

  (A) would like you tell (B) would like you to tell

  (C) would like you telling (D) would like you that you tell

  75. What to do when you finish your course at Leeds?

  (A) shall you like (B) do you like (C) would you like (D) have you liked

  76. ____to have lunch with us today?

  (A) Do you like (B) Would you like (C) Will you like (D) Have you like

  77. I hope you can visit my country soon, because___ to show you some of the beautiful places near my home.

  (A) I like (B) I'd like (C) I will like (D) I shall like

  78. My father___such a thing.

  (A) cannot say (B) couldn't say (C) may not say (D) cannot have said

  79. We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. He ____ it.

  (A) mustn't attend (B) cannot have attended (C) would have not attended

  (D) needn't have attended

  80. He went on foot, but ___ by bus.

  (A) might of gone (B) should gone (C) could have gone (D) ought have gone

  81. The English of this can't___it herself.

  (A) have to write (B) have written (C) had written (D) be written

  82. You had better___late tomorrow afternoon.

  (A) not to be (B) not be (C) being not (D) to be not

  83. You___the look on his face when he won the prize.

  (A) would have seen (B) can be seeing (C) must see (D) should have seen

  84. "Where are my keys? I ___ lost them.”

  (A) ought to (B) should have (C) will have (D) must have

  85. He___finished earlier.

  (A) can have (B) ought to (C) could have (D) should

  86. She ___ for yesterday'test, but she didn’t.

  (A) should have studied (B) would study (C) might be studying

  (D) must have studied

  87. Bill said that he ____ into the city to pick up his children.

  (A) will drive (B) would drive (C) is driving (D) drives

  88. He ___ breakfast at eight o'clock when he lived alone. But nowadays he it at seven.

  (A) was used to have ... is having (B) was used to having having

  (C) used to have ... has (D) used to having ...was

  89. ____ open the door for you?

  (A) Would you like that I (B) Do you want me (C) Will I (D) Shall I

  90. The light is out in her room; she ____ to bed.

  (A) must have gone (B) had gone (C) must be going (D) must go

  91. They ___ that far.

  (A) might be gone (B) should gone (C) could have gone (D) ought have gone

  92. You ought not to him that the day before.

  (A) have told (B) tell (C) be telling (D) had told

  93. What I do for you?

  (A) can (B) may (C) must (D) shall

  94. The children ___ play outside.

  (A) aren't going (B) aren’t going to (C) not going to (D) going to

  95. The doctor suggested that he ___ an operation at once.

  (A) must have (B) had (C) have (D) had had

  96. He___to the farm yesterday.

  (A) need go (B) needed go (C) has to go (D) had to go

  97. ___ to the doctor's this morning.

  (A) Have you to go (B) Have you go (C) Do you go to (D) Had you to go

  98. The villagers___to fetch water from a dirty pond before liberation.

  (A) could (B) must (C) had (D) might

  99. In the old society Grandpa Zhou ___ to work long hours a day.

  (A) was working (B) was having (C) had (D) has

  100. Everybody ___ in bed.

  (A) has to spend some time (B) have to spend some time

  (C) has to spend sometimes (D) have to spend sometimes

  101. The water is very cold. You'd better not ___.

  (A) to swim (B) swimming (C) swim (D) swam

  102. You___drive carefully. The roads are wet.

  (A) had rather (B) would rather (C) had better (D) would better

  103. You___ go now. It's getting late.

  (A) had rather (B) would (C) had better (D) would

  104. I think we had better___him the news now.

  (A) to tell (B) telling (C) told (D) tell

  105. Since the bus is crowded, we ___.

  (A) had better walk to home (B) have better walk home

  (C) had better walk home (D) had better to walk home

  106. "You___come in now, Mary! It's getting cold.”"I ___ go on playing in the garden."

  (A) had better...had better (B) would rather...had better

  (C) had better...would rather (D) had better...would have better

  107. When I was a boy, I ___ chocolate.

  (A) would like (B) was used to like (C) should like (D) used to like

  108. "Are you a film star?" " ___. ”

  (A) Yes, I am not (B) Yes, I was (C) I used to be (D) I used to

  109. We ___ go to the movies quite frequently.

  (A) use to (B) used to (C) were used to (D) are used to

  110. I ___ have breakfast at half past seven. But now I have it at seven.

  (A) used (B) used to (C) was used to (D) am used to

  111. She___not walk alone in the dark.

  (A) dare (B) can (C) should (I)) need

  112. I tell her the truth.

  (A) cannot help (B) cannot but (C) may not help (D) could but

  113. I wasn't supposed to go to the movies, but I ___ myself.

  (A) cannot help (B) couldn't but (C) had to help (D) couldn't help

  114. When a friend gave Jim a ticket to the game, he ___ go.

  (A) couldn't help (B) cannot but (C) couldn't help but (D) just have to

  115. Looking at my determined face, the big boy ___ pick up the fight.

  (A) dares not (B) dare not (C) doesn't dare (D) dares not to

  116. He began to write two hours ago. He___have finished the article now.

  (A) must (B) ought (C) ought to (D) had to

  117. They asked Tom to give him a drink, and he____ .

  (A) hadn't (B) wasn't C) wouldn't D) shouldn't

  118. As the physics is hard enough, I ___ study it.

  (A) cannot (B) can't (C) am not able to (D) am not able

  119. He is very strong. He will be able___for another hour.

  (A) work (B) working (C) to work (D) to be worked

  120. He___ live in the country than in the city.

  (A) prefers (B) likes better to (C) had better (D) would rather

重点单词   查看全部解释    
haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

modernization [.mɔdənai'zeiʃən]


n. 现代化

controlled [kən'trəuld]


adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

pond [pɔnd]


n. 池塘
v. 筑成池塘

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通



n. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)





