1. 语意表述:某人让某人受苦,吃苦,受折磨。
套用句型:Sb puts someone through something.
指点迷津:该句型用到put through这个短语来表示“使得某人吃什么苦头,使得某人受什么罪”。
句型操练:He put me through a lot of trouble.
句型出处:If you knew that was your decision, why put Mary through it?
2. 语意表述:某样东西是就如同某人的生命一样重要。
套用句型:Something is in one’s blood and in one’s bones.
句型操练:That red ballet shoes are in my blood and in my bones.
句型出处:Downton is in my blood and in my bones, it's not in yours.
3. 语意表述:叫别人别装傻,明明知道的装作不懂。
套用句型:Don’t pretend to be a child.
句型出处:Don't pretend to be a child because it suits you.
4. 语意表述:某件事情由某人说了算,由某人做主。
套用句型:Sb is the judge of something.
句型操练:You are the judge of your marriage.
句型出处:I'll be the judge of that.
5. 语意表述:某人一直会纠缠某事或某人,不会放过的。
套用句型:Somebody is not going to let something rest.
句型操练:She spoke ill of me and I am not going to let her rest.
句型出处:Just don't think I'm going to let it rest, Robert.
6. 语意表述:我凭借着良心做事。
套用句型:Sb does what his conscience tells him.
句型出处:I must do what my conscience tells me.