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留学英语口语 第14期:谈论学习计划

来源:可可英语 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Have you decided what you are going to take next semester?
  • 你决定下一个学期要修什么了吗?
  • Well, I'm an English major, you know.So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things.
  • 嗯,我的主修是英文。所以我要确定我修的课是正确的。
  • Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this.
  • 很好。我认为这是很好的想法。我们系上应该也要有这样的会谈。
  • I want to finish my degree in four years.So I don't want to forget to take classes I need.I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently.There were some classes she needed to take to graduate.She didn't know about them.
  • 我想在四年内完成我的学业。所以我不希望自己忘了需要修的课程。我有个朋友需要再念一年。她一直到现在才知道。有一些课她必需要修才能毕业。她以前并不知道。
  • Yes, that happens.
  • 对的,那是会发生的。
  • I brought my transcript from my first year.Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall.
  • 我带了我第一年的成绩单。这里,这个清单列的是我这个秋季想要修的一些课。
  • Alright. Good.I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements.You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science.So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201?
  • 好。可以。我看到你已经修了必修学分中的的六个学分。你有一门植物学、一门化学和政治学。那是九个学分。你有拿英文作文201吗?
  • No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school.So I'm not required to take composition.
  • 没有,我不需要。我在高中的时候有修过进阶英文, 所以我不需要修作文课。
  • Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester.And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet.
  • 很好。我看你下学期有一门十八世纪诗词要修,还有当代文学这门课。你还没有修过莎士比亚那门课。
  • No, I thought I would take it later.
  • 没有,我想晚一点再修。
  • Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later.
  • 实际上,我建议你早些修读莎士比亚那门课比较好。
  • Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class.I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets.
  • 嗯,我想我就把十八世纪诗词划掉。我需要看一下莎士比亚那门课什么时候上。
  • Let me look at the timetable. Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 AM.
  • 让我看一下时间表。莎士比亚课程在星期一,星期三及星期五早上十一点上课。
  • I can take it then. I have that time slot free.我可以修了。我那段时间有空。
  • Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important.We want our students to take the class as soon as they can.And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher.
  • I want to be an English professor in the future.I love studying literature, and I want to teach it.
  • 我希望在未来成为一名英文教授。我很喜爱学习文学,也想教文学。
  • Really? That's great to know.
  • 真的吗?很荣幸知道。
  • That's the reason I want to finish my B.A. in four years.Because I know I will be in school a long time.I want to start the M.A. and Ph.D. program as soon as possible.
  • 那就是为什么我要在四年内修到大学本科的学历。因为我知道我会在学校待上很长一段时间。我要尽快开始硕士研究生和博士的课程。


TERRY: Have you decided what you are going to take next semester?

LISA: Well, I'm an English major, you know.So I came here to make sure I'm taking the right things.
TERRY: Good. I think it's a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this.
LISA: I want to finish my degree in four years.So I don't want to forget to take classes I need.I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didn't know until recently.There were some classes she needed to take to graduate.She didn't know about them.
TERRY: Yes, that happens.
LISA: I brought my transcript from my first year.Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall.
TERRY: Alright. Good.I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements.You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science.So that's nine credits. Did you take English Composition 201?
LISA: No, I don't need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school.So I'm not required to take composition.
丽莎:没有,我不需要。我在高中的时候有修过进阶英文, 所以我不需要修作文课。
TERRY: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester.And the modern novel class. You haven't taken a Shakespeare class yet.
LISA: No, I thought I would take it later.
TERRY: Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later.
LISA: Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class.I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets.
TERRY: Let me look at the timetable. Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 AM.
LISA: I can take it then. I have that time slot free.


TERRY: Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important.We want our students to take the class as soon as they can.And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher.
LISA: I'll take it then.
TERRY: Tell me, Lisa, what made you decide to be an English major?


LISA: I want to be an English professor in the future.I love studying literature, and I want to teach it.
TERRY: Really? That's great to know.
LISA: That's the reason I want to finish my B.A. in four years.Because I know I will be in school a long time.I want to start the M.A. and Ph.D. program as soon as possible.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

slot [slɔt]


n. 槽,狭缝,时间段,职位
vt. 留细长的

breadth [bredθ]


n. 宽度

composition [.kɔmpə'ziʃən]


n. 作文,著作,组织,合成物,成份

botany ['bɔtəni]


n. 植物学,植物

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,



adv. 巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上





