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来源:新东方 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Listening part 听力部分(40%)

  一、 Listen and choose. 听音选词。(5%)

  1、 A .tail B. tall C. talk

  2、 A. watch B wash C.wear

  3、 A. 30cm B.13cm C.33cm

  4、 A. fly B. flew C. friend

  5、 A. angry B. happy C.hooray

  三、Listen and choose. 听音,选择正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。(10%)

  1、What‘s the matter with Sarah ?

  A、 She has a toothache.

  B、 She has a cold.

  C、 Her leg hurts.

   2、What does the boy feel ?

  A、He’s sad .

  B、He‘s bored .

  C、He’s happy .

   3、how did you go to Harbin ?

  A I went there by train .

  B I went there by plane .

  C I wen there by ship .

   4 How heary is Yao Ming ?

  A He is 125kg .

  B He is 135kg .

  C He is 74kg .

   5 What did John do last weekend ?

  A He visited grandparents with his mom .

  B He went hiking with his friends .

  C John bought presents for his brother .

  四、Listen and write .听短文,填空。(10%)

  Last . Mike was very ________. In the morning . He ___________with his friends . They played ________ . Mike‘s team won the game . They were________ . Then they ____________. In the afternoon. Mike ___________ and ___________.In the evening . he felt a little _______ ,so he ___________early .

  五、listen and tick or cross .听短文,判断对错。(10%)

  1、Liu Ming is older than Wu Dong .

  2、Wu Dong is 163cm tall.

  3、Chen Ling is 2 years older than Wu Dong .

  4、Wu Dong is 3kg heavier than Liu Ming .

  5、Chen Ling is stronger and taller than Liu Ming

  Writing part 笔试部分(60%)

  一、 Read and choose .为前面的音标选择正确的单词。(5%)

  1、 chear 2 beer 3 coat

  chair pear count

  4 fear 5 pain

  poor pine

  二、Read and choose .选择。(14%)

  1 This dog’s tail is long . that dog‘s tail is _______.

  A long B longer C heavier

  2 What did you do last weekend ?__________

  A I do my homework

  B I went hiking .

  C I had a sore throat .

  3 My throat ________sore . My nose ________.

  A is , hurt B are hurt C is hurts

  4 We’re _________have a basketball match .

  A going to B go to C is going

  5 How tall are you , Liu Xiang ?

  A I‘m 74kg . B I wear size 43 . C I’m 188cm.

  6 Did you ________ your clothes on the weekend ?

  A wash B washed C washes

  7 Sarah: I have a toothache.

  John: I‘m _______ to hear that.

  A glad B sad C sorry

  三、look and write .照样子,写出动词的过去式。(9%)

  watch TV → watched TV

  sing and dance → ________________ wash clothes →___________

  play football → __________________ go to a park→_____________

  read a book → ________________ clean the room →_______________

  四、Look and write .连词成句,并写上标点符号。(10%)

  1、older I am you than


  2、do last did what weekend you


  3、thinner than and your shorter I’m brother


  4、happy you so look


  5、clean room did you your


  五、read and write .阅读理解。(15%)

  1、Fill in the blanks .选择正确的单词填空,把短文补充完整。

  A hurts B happy C excited D sad E angry

  It‘s Sunday afernoon. It’s sunny day. There is a basketball match between Class 1 and Class 2. Many students are watching, They are________.look! Mike has the ball and passes it to Wu Yifan. He throws the ball. It‘s a goal! Now John has the ball. He throws it hardly. The ball flies to Zhang Peng’s face. Zhang Peng‘s nose______. He feels a little ________.John says sorry to Zhang Peng and throws it again, Another goal! Zhang Peng and John are so __________.Class 1 won the game. But Class 2 is not ________.They are laughing at John’s funny goal!

  2、Tick or cross . 根据上文判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。

  1、The weather is fine.

  2、There is a football game between class 1 and class 2.

  3、Wu Yifan throws the ball to John‘s face.

  4、Class 2 won the game.

  5、At the end of the game, Class 2 feel so sad.

  六、Think and write . 写一写。(7%)


重点单词   查看全部解释    
pine [pain]


n. 松树,松木
vi. 消瘦,憔悴,渴望

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





