Today in History: Monday, April 30, 2013
April 30th, 1945Nazi Germany’s dictator Adolf Hitler commits suicide during the last days of World War II in Europe. Hitler and Eva Braun, his long time mistress and wife of one day take their own lives as Soviet troops approach his bunker in Berlin.
1975, the Vietnam War ends as South Vietnam’s Capital of Saigon falls to North Vietnameses’ forces. Reporter George Esper is on the scene:
Many government officials, high-ranking military officers have fest with the Americans.
Vietnam has unified under communist rule and Saigon is renamed Ho Chi Minh City.
1789, in New York, George Washington takes the oath of office, as the first President of the United States
1803, the United States doubles in size buying the Louisiana Territory from France for about $15 million dollars.
And 1933, on the road again, going places that I've never been.
Willie Nelson, country music singer and song writers is born in Abbott of Texas.
Today In History, April 30th, Ross Simpson, the Associated Press.