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小故事背诵达人 第184期:A violent Hail Storm

来源:可可英语 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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39 A violent Hail Storm

39 可怕的冰雹
A blonde was driving back from the newly-built Olympic stadium when there was a fierce hail storm. Tons of huge hailstones, the size of golf balls, pelted her car leaving it full of dents. She drove to the body shop and asked what she should do.
The body man explained what needed to be done, and that it would cost at least 4,000 dollars to repair. She said that was too much, and asked if there was some other way to fix it. The body man decided to have a little fun, and said, “Well, you could blow into the tail pipe really hard and they might pop back out.” She decided to give it a try before spending that much money. She drove home and was in the garage with her lips wrapped around the exhaust pipe when her neighbor came over to visit.
修理成的人向她解释说该怎么处理,但要花费至少4000美元来修理。美女说太贵了,问有没有别的方法来修。修理厂工人决定跟她开个玩笑,就说:“你也可以使劲朝尾气管 吹气,也许能把这些凹痕吹鼓起来。”于是美女决定在花那么多钱之前先试试这个方法。她开车回了家,当她的一个邻居来看她时她正在车库用嘴对着尾气管吹气。
“What are you doing?” she cried thinking the worst and thankfully that she may have just prevented her friend from committing suicide.
“I'm blowing into the tail pipe really hard to pop all these dents out of my car,” explained the blonde.
“You silly goose. It's not going to work,” replied her neighbor.
“Why not?” asked the blonde.
“Because you've got to roll up the windows first.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

exhaust [ig'zɔ:st]


v. 耗尽,使衰竭,使筋疲力尽
n. 排气装置


关键字: 背诵 故事 冰雹




